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Author Topic: [Solved] [Pokémon R/B/Y] Tilesets information  (Read 1 times)
« on: December 10, 2009, 06:41:13 pm »

Hi there,

Long time no see... I'd like to ask some information about the way tilesets are stored in Pokémon Red/Blue/Yellow (I know, it's becoming old).

Well, what I know is this:

R/B Pointers to Map Headers: 0x01AE
R/B Map Header Banks: 0xC23D
R/B Pointer to Tileset Headers: 0xC767

Maximum tileset size in VRAM: 6 rows of 16 tiles (9000-95FF)



    Tileset Header Structure (*Incomplete*)


12 bytes per header...

[1 BYTE: Bank No. of Blocks/Tiles]
[2 BYTES: Pointer to Blocks (-10 for some reason)]
[2 BYTES: Pointer to Tiles]
[7 BYTES: ???]

last 7 bytes ideas: collison data pointer? something to do with animations?

Source: http://www.datacrystal.org/wiki/Pokemon_Red/Blue:Notes

Well, this seems a pretty good start, so let's try this. The address 0xC767 seems not exactly correct, 0xC7CB seems more correct (Pokémon red, GB version).

Some I'm trying to read n headers at this address, and this is what I got:

bank_id=112 | block data: 0xE052 | gfx: 0x494D | collision: 0xFF17 | FF FF FF | 00 1A
bank_id=191 | block data: 0xBF53 | gfx: 0x534D | collision: 0x1817 | 19 1E FF | 00 1A
bank_id=255 | block data: 0xFF69 | gfx: 0x6563 | collision: 0xFF17 | FF FF 20 | 01 19
bank_id=112 | block data: 0xE052 | gfx: 0x494D | collision: 0xFF17 | FF FF FF | 00 1A
bank_id=127 | block data: 0x7F46 | gfx: 0x5940 | collision: 0x3A17 | FF FF FF | 02 1A
bank_id=191 | block data: 0xBF53 | gfx: 0x534D | collision: 0x1817 | 19 1E FF | 00 1A
bank_id=127 | block data: 0x7F46 | gfx: 0x5940 | collision: 0x3A17 | FF FF FF | 02 19
bank_id=128 | block data: 0xA059 | gfx: 0x7553 | collision: 0xFF17 | FF FF FF | 00 1A
bank_id=255 | block data: 0x0F5B | gfx: 0x7F56 | collision: 0x1717 | 32 FF FF | 00 1A
bank_id=255 | block data: 0x0F5B | gfx: 0x7F56 | collision: 0x1717 | 32 FF FF | 00 1B
bank_id=240 | block data: 0x607E | gfx: 0x2F7D | collision: 0xFF17 | FF FF FF | 00 1A
bank_id=255 | block data: 0x0F5B | gfx: 0x7F56 | collision: 0x1717 | 32 FF FF | 00 1B
bank_id= 48 | block data: 0x9069 | gfx: 0x8A63 | collision: 0xFF17 | FF FF FF | 01 19
bank_id=240 | block data: 0x106B | gfx: 0x9566 | collision: 0xFF17 | FF FF FF | 01 1B
bank_id=192 | block data: 0x0045 | gfx: 0x9A40 | collision: 0x1217 | FF FF FF | 00 19
bank_id= 80 | block data: 0x6073 | gfx: 0xA26D | collision: 0xFF17 | FF FF FF | 00 1B
bank_id=192 | block data: 0xA050 | gfx: 0xAC4C | collision: 0xFF17 | FF FF FF | 01 1B
bank_id=160 | block data: 0xC05E | gfx: 0xB858 | collision: 0x1517 | 36 FF FF | 00 19
bank_id=144 | block data: 0xB061 | gfx: 0xC05B | collision: 0xFF17 | FF FF FF | 00 1B

So what then? I'm trying to get the 0x645E0 address related to the "tileset id=0" from all this stuff, and I can't figure out how. Actually, I've hardcoded that first tileset address. From there I read the blocks info and it works well: the maps for the tileset "0" are well rendered. I just need to get all the others tilesets now.

Also I've tried to debug the game using BGB (http://bgb.bircd.org/), which include some pretty interesting reversing tools. But as I don't know it very well, I was to unable to get the "breakpoint on memory access" working (what a shame on me Embarrassed).

So if you have any clue about how all this stuff work, I'd be glad if you can share it Smiley

Thanks folks!

December 16, 2009, 04:55:22 pm - (Auto Merged - Double Posts are not allowed before 7 days.)
Al'right, so here it is, I've found some stuff.

The correct address wasn't 0xC767 neither 0xC7CB, but 0xC7BE for my GB/US Pokémon Red version.

So here is the new stuff I get:

bank_id= 25 | block data: 0x45E0 | gfx: 0x4000 | collision: 0x1735 | FF FF FF | 52 02
bank_id= 69 | block data: 0x4000 | gfx: 0x1735 | collision: 0xFFFF | FF 52 02 | 19 70
bank_id= 64 | block data: 0x1735 | gfx: 0xFFFF | collision: 0x52FF | 02 19 70 | 52 E0
bank_id= 23 | block data: 0xFFFF | gfx: 0x52FF | collision: 0x1902 | 70 52 E0 | 4D 49
bank_id=255 | block data: 0x52FF | gfx: 0x1902 | collision: 0x5270 | E0 4D 49 | 17 FF
bank_id= 82 | block data: 0x1902 | gfx: 0x5270 | collision: 0x4DE0 | 49 17 FF | FF FF
bank_id= 25 | block data: 0x5270 | gfx: 0x4DE0 | collision: 0x1749 | FF FF FF | FF 00
bank_id= 82 | block data: 0x4DE0 | gfx: 0x1749 | collision: 0xFFFF | FF FF 00 | 1A BF
bank_id= 77 | block data: 0x1749 | gfx: 0xFFFF | collision: 0xFFFF | 00 1A BF | 53 BF
bank_id= 23 | block data: 0xFFFF | gfx: 0xFFFF | collision: 0x1A00 | BF 53 BF | 4D 53

Oh, this seems more convenient:

The address for tileset 0 (actually the blocks) is 0x645E0 (the value I was hardcoding). To get it, the formula seems to be:

bank_id * 0x4000 + block_data % 0x4000

You can also apply this formula for the tiles addresses.

I continue the adventure, see you Smiley
« Last Edit: December 16, 2009, 04:56:40 pm by ubitux »
« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2009, 01:07:35 pm »

Quote from: ubitux on December 10, 2009, 06:41:13 pm
[...] the formula seems to be:

bank_id * 0x4000 + block_data % 0x4000

That's just the regular pointer formula for GB(C) pointers. The layout seems fairly similar to the GSC tileset table, so it might be worth a look.
The missing stuff is probably centered around collisions and animations.


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