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Author Topic: Finding Debug modes  (Read 1 times)
« on: November 16, 2009, 06:07:33 am »

Just wondering if you guys had any tips on finding a debug mode in general?

Or, any opinions on whether going about to find a debug mode while translating a rom is actually a good idea?

Cause I managed to stumble upon a debug mode in one of the roms I was hacking (Enabling movement around the first automated scene showed some NPCs with some debug choices), and it seemed very useful when testing/hacking my way through parts of the game. Then, in this game I'm playing with now, I need to access a part of the game that's further along the line somewhere to figure out what's going on with pointers, and going about finding a debug mode seems like it'd be a good idea...

Or would it just be simpler to play the game and save a lot?
« Reply #1 on: November 16, 2009, 11:26:54 am »

There is no golden rule how to proceed with this. Sometimes you will find unique strings that hint at a debug menu (like talk about warps, events, etc.). Other times you will debug a totally different routine and just wonder what that one flag does that's never set and bam a menu opens and you're set.
As for feasibility, it depends how extensive the menu is. If you can warp to all places, buff up your team etc, it's great. If it's just some sound control or color changing, then it's probably not as useful. It can't hurt to know how to enable one if present and to translate it properly for posterity's and your own sake, though Wink


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