Topic: Looking for Simon's Quest data (Read 1 times)
« on: October 20, 2009, 04:32:46 am » |
As the title says I'm looking for data on Simon's Quest for the NES. I haven't had much luck and I'm getting ready to do some ASM hacks to the game to improve certain aspects of it. Unfortunately, Data Crystal has no ROM or ROM map on the game at all. SO if any intrepid hackers out there have done research into the game and are willing to help a fellow hacker I would appreciate anything data I could get my hands on. I'm looking for hex data, tables, level data, RAM addresses, etc. Thanks in advance! ^_^
« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2009, 08:17:09 am » |
Here you go, someone might wanna submit these here. Sorry I didn't do it but I'm about to head out the door... ^_^;
« Reply #2 on: October 20, 2009, 09:41:45 am » |
Sweet! Thanks a lot. ^_^ This is a good starting point. Since I have somewhere to start looking from I'll post any additional data I find here. If anyone else has any more info it would be greatly appreciated.
« Reply #3 on: October 20, 2009, 10:16:19 am » |
Here's an editor, and here's some notes. I got kinda lazy as time went on, so if you have some specific questions PM me and I may be able to help you out.
« Reply #4 on: October 20, 2009, 12:56:28 pm » |
Great googly moogly!! I was only expecting a few offsets to come of this thread, but hat damn you've made my day! Thanks a bunch, dude! ^_^
Sliver X
« Reply #5 on: October 20, 2009, 07:33:33 pm » |
Name: Castlevania II: Simon's Quest Document title: Data log, notes and hacking guide Author: TFG (
Disclaimer ----------
I won't bother organizing this document into a nifty tidy format. It contains all my hacking-related findings, looking forward to code a full fledged editor. Any questions, comments, whatever... drop me a line.
Have fun, TFG.
Day/Night system & Game clock -----------------------------
Minutes: 0-59 Hours: 0-23 Days: 0-99
00 06 18 24 |------------------------------------| * * Day/night toggles occur at 6hr & 18hr Toogle marks (hr): 06, 18
$82 - Switch ($00=day, $01=night) $83 - Days, decimal. $84 - Seconds, hex. $85 - Minutes, decimal. $86 - Hours, decimal. $87 - Counter ($30, $20, $10, $F0, $10, $20, $30)
Adjust the clock to a real rate -------------------------------
ROM 1D795 -> Adjust minute length
In-game Menu ------------
Original ################ # # # T- DD:HH:MM # # E-0000 L- 00 # # H-0000 # #--------------# # L. WHIP # #--------------# # # # # #--------------# # # # # # # # # ################ Hearts ------
$48 - 4 digit decimal counter
Text ----
Description | Offset (iNES) ------------------------------ Text block #1 | $CC84 Text block #2 | $1C965 Title screen #1 | $10169 Title screen #2 | $10368 Title screen #3 | $139FD Password screen #1 | $137C4
Refer to CV2.TBL for details.
RAM Map ------- $000 - $001 - $004 - Controller #1 full status $005 - Controller #2 full status $013 - Whip damage $022 - X Screen pointer during PPU write ops $093 - Used in number-to-gfx operations $0FC - Scrolling $0FD - Scrolling $0FE - PPU $2001 $0FF - PPU $2002 $100 - MMC1, Register #1 $101 - MMC1, Register #2 $102 - MMC1, Register #3 $197 - Laurel effect != 0 $200 - Sprite data for DMA transfers $4CX - Enemies's HP $34X - Enemies' X location $700 - On screen data (BG)
Bosses ------
Grim reaper -----------
ROM 5CE1 -> Max health RAM 04C8 -> Current health
$C081:20 83 C1 JSR $C183 ; Mapper setup? ROM swapping. $C084:20 C5 AB JSR $ABC5 ; Sprites (Attributes) $C087:20 A7 C1 JSR $C1A7 ; Sprites (X,Y) $C08A:20 8A C8 JSR $C88A ; BG
$AC1E:A9 F4 LDA #$F4 $AC20:9D 00 02 STA $0200,X @ $025C = #$F4 $AC23:8A TXA $AC24:18 CLC $AC25:69 C4 ADC #$C4 $AC27:C5 16 CMP $16 = #$4C ; $16 holds the beginning of GR's data block $AC29:90 F9 BCC $AC24 $AC2B:AA TAX $AC2C:88 DEY $AC2D:10 EF BPL $AC1E $AC2F:60 RTS
NMI ---
$C046:48 PHA $C047:8A TXA $C048:48 PHA $C049:98 TYA $C04A:48 PHA ; Push registers into stack $C04B:AD 02 20 LDA $2002 ; Clear the VBlank bit to prevent recursive calls $C04E:A9 00 LDA #$00 ; Clear out SPR-RAM address (useless shit!) $C050:8D 03 20 STA $2003 ; $C053:A0 02 LDY #$02 ; $C055:8C 14 40 STY $4014 ; Do a DMA transfer to SPR-RAM from $200 $C058:A4 1A LDY $1A ; $C05A:D0 3B BNE $C097 ; $C05C:E6 1A INC $1A ; $C05E:20 D8 C0 JSR $C0D8 ; Clear out PPU settings $C061:20 69 CB JSR $CB69 ; PPU initial setup $C064:A5 FE LDA $FE ; PPU $2001 $C066:A6 21 LDX $21 ; ??? $C068:F0 06 BEQ $C070 ; $C06A:C6 21 DEC $21 ; $C06C:F0 02 BEQ $C070 ; $C06E:A9 00 LDA #$00 ; $C070:8D 01 20 STA $2001 ; $C073:20 40 C1 JSR $C140 ; MMC1 setup $C076:20 B8 C0 JSR $C0B8 ; PPU setup for Name table #1 writing (BG, Level data) $C079:20 FB C0 JSR $C0FB ; Load screen's track [music] $C07C:20 53 C4 JSR $C453 ; Process input [controllers] $C07F:A9 00 LDA #$00 ; $C081:20 83 C1 JSR $C183 ; Bankswapping bullshit $C084:20 C5 AB JSR $ABC5 ; Update enemies $C087:20 A7 C1 JSR $C1A7 ; More enemy stuff $C08A:20 8A C8 JSR $C88A ; BG related, updates the X pointer for scroling operations ($22) $C08D:A9 00 LDA #$00 ; $C08F:85 1A STA $1A ; $C091:68 PLA ; $C092:A8 TAY ; $C093:68 PLA ; $C094:AA TAX ; $C095:68 PLA ; Restore registers $C096:40 RTI ; Return to normal code execution $C097:20 FB C0 JSR $C0FB $C09A:4C 91 C0 JMP $C091
Input processing @ $C453 ------------------------
$C453:A2 00 LDX #$00 ; $C455:20 8A C4 JSR $C48A ; Read & store controller input in RAM $C48A:A0 01 LDY #$01 ; $C48C:8C 16 40 STY $4016 ; $C48F:88 DEY ; $C490:8C 16 40 STY $4016 ; Strobe the pad before reading $C493:A0 08 LDY #$08 ; $C495:AD 16 40 LDA $4016 ; Read controller #1 $C498:85 04 STA $04 ; $C49A:4A LSR ; $C49B:05 04 ORA $04 ; $C49D:4A LSR ; $C49E:36 00 ROL $00,X ; Save data, bit by bit. $C4A0:AD 17 40 LDA $4017 ; Read controller #2 $C4A3:85 05 STA $05 ; $C4A5:4A LSR ; $C4A6:05 05 ORA $05 ; $C4A8:4A LSR ; $C4A9:36 01 ROL $01,X ; Save data, bit by bit. $C4AB:88 DEY ; $C4AC:D0 E7 BNE $C495 ; $C4AE:60 RTS ; $C458:A2 02 LDX #$02 ; Read the controllers again $C45A:20 8A C4 JSR $C48A ; to do a fail-safe check against buggy reads. $C45D:A5 00 LDA $00 ; $C45F:C5 02 CMP $02 ; $C461:D0 1C BNE $C47F ; $C463:A5 01 LDA $01 ; $C465:C5 03 CMP $03 ; Compare the 2 reads, if they're different $C467:D0 16 BNE $C47F ; branch out of the routine. Zeroing both controllers. $C469:A2 00 LDX #$00 ; $C46B:20 6F C4 JSR $C46F ; $C46E:E8 INX ; $C46F:B5 00 LDA $00,X ; $C471:A8 TAY ; $C472:55 F1 EOR $F1,X ; $C474:35 00 AND $00,X ; $C476:95 F5 STA $F5,X ; $C478:95 F3 STA $F3,X ; $C47A:94 F7 STY $F7,X ; $C47C:94 F1 STY $F1,X ; $C47E:60 RTS ;
$C47F:A9 00 LDA #$00 ; Clear out controller and $C481:85 F5 STA $F5 ; return to NMI. $C483:85 F3 STA $F3 ; $C485:85 F6 STA $F6 ; $C487:85 F4 STA $F4 ; $C489:60 RTS ;
Notes -----
608Dh Enemies?
Game: Castlevania II: Simon's Quest Document title: Level data and related routines Author: TFG (
Simon's location ----------------
Palette data pointer table --------------------------
Stored in Bank 7 @ $C895
The game reads the pointer using a previsouly stored index in the X register:
$C83D:BD 95 C8 LDA $C895,X $C840:85 00 STA $0000 $C842:BD 96 C8 LDA $C896,X $C845:85 01 STA $0001
$C7D8:B9 C5 F7 LDA $F7C5,Y @ $F7ED = #$E9 $C7DB:85 00 STA $0000 = #$72 $C7DD:B9 C6 F7 LDA $F7C6,Y @ $F7EE = #$FB $C7E0:85 01 STA $0001 = #$80 $C7E2:A5 50 LDA $0050 = #$0A $C7E4:0A ASL $C7E5:0A ASL $C7E6:A8 TAY $C7E7:A5 82 LDA DayNight_Toggle = #$00 $C7E9:F0 02 BEQ $C7ED $C7EB:C8 INY $C7EC:C8 INY $C7ED:B1 00 LDA ($00),Y @ $809A = #$B6 $C7EF:85 08 STA $0008 = #$60 $C7F1:C8 INY $C7F2:B1 00 LDA ($00),Y @ $809A = #$B6 $C7F4:85 09 STA $0009 = #$B1 $C7F6:A5 51 LDA $0051 = #$00 $C7F8:29 7F AND #$7F $C7FA:0A ASL $C7FB:A8 TAY $C7FC:60 RTS
@@@@@ Music
1EB1: Beginning of Game Start song.
BX is kick bass, AX is snare drum.
Tempo > Instrument > ? > ? > ? > ?
Note, Tempo,Octave and repeats are the same as CV1.
FE is repeat. Next values is how many times.
FEFF followed by a two byte pointer is "Repeat Forever", End of Track.
@@@ AsM
1D7A4: 20 CA D7 = JSR to Day/Night Counter Check
1D7A4: EAEA60 = Never turn night.
1D7A8: Counter value for change. Value x 4 seconds (00 is simply 4 second Day/Night)
1D7F8: Holy Water routine?
E26 - 1219: Town Song
41A2: EAEA makespeople vanish.
-$4010 = RAM
C903/$88F3: Jump Height Routine (Lower is higher)
$90: Currently Selected Sub Weapon
$91:Body Parts + Orbs, etc
$4A: Sub Weapons?
$4F: Currently Selected Part/Orb
$F1: Current Input
$80 = Health
$434: Whip Type
1FEF0: Free Space
DD10: Free Space (In Range of Jump routine: $9D00)
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Checking For Orb
$85FE:A5 4F LDA $004F = #$01 $8600:C9 06 CMP #$06 $8602:F0 07 BEQ $860B $8604:BD C6 03 LDA $03C6,X @ $03CC = #$20 $8607:09 20 ORA #$20 $8609:D0 05 BNE $8610 $860B:BD C6 03 LDA $03C6,X @ $03CC = #$20 $860E:29 DF AND #$DF $8610:9D C6 03 STA $03C6,X @ $03CC = #$20 $8613:4C BB 85 JMP $85BB
@@@@@@@@@@@ Holy Water?
$D7E8:A5 90 LDA $90 = #$04 $D7EA:9D B4 03 STA $03B4,X @ $03B7 = #$00 $D7ED:A9 00 LDA #$00 $D7EF:9D C2 04 STA $04C2,X @ $04C5 = #$00 $D7F2:9D C6 03 STA $03C6,X @ $03C9 = #$00 $D7F5:A9 82 LDA #$82 $D7F7:9D D8 03 STA $03D8,X @ $03DB = #$00 $D7FA:AD 20 04 LDA $0420 = #$01 $D7FD:9D 20 04 STA $0420,X @ $0423 = #$00 $D800:AD 48 03 LDA $0348 = #$AE $D803:9D 48 03 STA $0348,X @ $034B = #$00 $D806:AD 24 03 LDA $0324 = #$BD $D809:9D 24 03 STA $0324,X @ $0327 = #$00 $D80C:60 RTS
@@@@@@@@@@@ Checking for Eye $8354:BD 44 04 LDA $0444,X @ $044A = #$00 $8357:D0 10 BNE $8369 $8359:BD C6 03 LDA $03C6,X @ $03CC = #$00 $835C:29 F7 AND #$F7 $835E:A4 4F LDY $004F = #$03 $8360:C0 03 CPY #$03 $8362:F0 02 BEQ $8366 $8364:09 08 ORA #$08 $8366:9D C6 03 STA $03C6,X @ $03CC = #$00 $8369:4C 2A DD JMP $DD2A
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Damage Writing
$D354:85 08 STA $0008 = #$08 $D356:A5 80 LDA $0080 = #$30 $D358:38 SEC $D359:E5 08 SBC $0008 = #$08 $D35B:B0 02 BCS $D35F $D35D:A9 00 LDA #$00 $D35F:85 80 STA $0080 = #$30 $D361:60 RTS
$$$$$$$ $HACKS$ $$$$$$$
################### Make Item High Jump
Hook: C904 - 20009DEA Routine: DD1D - A000 A54F C905 F003 A9FC60 A9FA60 | | Item Binding New Jump Height
B Action
20 2F D8: Subweapon Routine 4C 55 DB: Whip Routine
00:81E4:A2 00 LDX #$00 00:81E6:4C 2A DD JMP $DD2A <-- True Whip?
Subweapon Routine A5 90: Load Subweapon ID 20 BB C5: Go to main Routine.
Whip Routine:
00:8943:4C 55 DB JMP $DB55 <--- Now that we've determined Up+B hasn't been pressed, Whip It!
DD20: Free space
00:DB55:A9 0A LDA #$0A <--- Huh. 00:DB57:AC 34 04 LDY $0434 = #$02 <--- Check Whip Type 00:DB5A:C0 02 CPY #$02 <--- See if it's the Chain Whip 00:DB5C:90 0B BCC $DB69 <---- If it's not, branch. 00:DB5E:C0 04 CPY #$04 <--- See if it's the flame whip. 00:DB60:D0 05 BNE $DB67 <---- Branch if it's not. 00:DB62:A9 0F LDA #$0F <--- Huh. 00:DB64:4C 69 DB JMP $DB69 <---- Flame Whip Routine? 00:DB67:A9 0E LDA #$0E 00:DB69:20 18 C1 JSR $C118 <--- Leather/Thorn/Chain/Morningstar? 00:DB6C:A9 80 LDA #$80 00:DB6E:8D EA 03 STA $03EA = #$80 00:DB71:A9 FF LDA #$FF 00:DB73:8D B5 03 STA $03B5 = #$00 00:DB76:60 RTS
20E8D7 <---Knife?
Checking Types 00:D8D6:A5 90 LDA $0090 = #$02 00:D8D8:C9 03 CMP #$03 00:D8DA:D0 04 BNE $D8E0 00:D8DC:A9 02 LDA #$02 00:D8DE:D0 02 BNE $D8E2 00:D8E0:A9 01 LDA #$01 00:D8E2:20 56 D8 JSR $D856 <-- Knife? 00:D8E5:20 E8 D7 JSR $D7E8 00:D8E8:A0 00 LDY #$00 00:D8EA:A5 90 LDA $0090 = #$02 00:D8EC:C9 02 CMP #$02 00:D8EE:D0 02 BNE $D8F2 00:D8F0:A0 40 LDY #$40 00:D8F2:A9 02 LDA #$02 00:D8F4:20 4F E0 JSR $E04F 00:D8F7:20 8A DF JSR $DF8A 00:D8FA:A5 90 LDA $0090 = #$02 00:D8FC:C9 01 CMP #$01 00:D8FE:D0 05 BNE $D905 00:D900:A9 20 LDA #$20 00:D902:9D 9E 04 STA $049E,X @ $04A1 = #$00 00:D905:A5 90 LDA $0090 = #$02 00:D907:C9 03 CMP #$03 00:D909:D0 05 BNE $D910 00:D90B:A9 13 LDA #$13 00:D90D:4C 12 D9 JMP $D912 00:D910:A9 11 LDA #$11 00:D912:20 18 C1 JSR $C118 00:D915:A9 32 LDA #$32 00:D917:4C 2A D8 JMP $D82A 00:D91A:A5 4C LDA $004C = #$00 00:D91C:D0 03 BNE $D921 $0013#WhipDamage# $0048#dHearts#Decimal $0049#cHearts#Decimal $0082#DayNight_Toggle# $0083#Clock_days#Decimal $001A#NMI_Flag#If set, NMI exits right away. $0022#VRAM_BW_Index# $0084#Clock_seconds#Hexadecimal $0085#Clock_minutes#Decimal $0086#Clock_hours#Decimal $00FC#PPU_Vt_Scrolling# $00FD#PPU_Hz_Scrolling# $00FF#PPU_CtrlReg1_Mirror# $0100#MMC1_Conf0_Mirror# $0101#MMC1_Conf1_Mirror# $0102#MMC1_Conf2_Mirror# $0103#MMC1_Bank3_Mirror# $0197#LaurelActive#Non-zero activates laurel $0200/FF#SPR-RAM_Mirror#Used in DMA transfers $0324#YCoord_Simon# $032A#YCoord_Screen# $0348#XCoord_Simon# $034E#XCoord_Screen# $0700/FF#VRAM_Bulk_Writes# $2000#PPU_ControlRegister1# $2001#PPU_ControlRegister2# $2002#PPU_StatusRegister# $2003#SPR_AddressRegister# $2004#SPR_InputOutput# $2005#PPU_Scrolling# $2006#PPU_Address# $2007#PPU_InputOutput# $4014#PPU_SpriteDMA# $4016#Joypad1# $4017#Joypad2# $8000#MMC1_Conf0# $BFFF#MMC1_Conf1# $C000#MMC1_Conf2# $FFFF#MMC1_Bank# $C895/01#BGPalettes_PtrTbl# $C82E#LoadPalette_Init#Initializes VRAM Bulk write buffer. Parameters: A = palette index $C046#NMI#Non-maskable interrupt $C0D8#ResetPPU# $C183#MMC1_LoadBank#Parameters: A = bank # $C140#MMC1_Setup# $C0B8#VRAM_Setup_NameTable0# $C7FD#LoadAreaPalettes#Series of calls that load several palettes, corresponding to a new area. $C88C#Write_to_VRAM_BW#Parameters: A = value $C839#LoadPalette_NoInit#Parameters: A = palette index $C453#ReadControllers# $CB69#VRAM_BulkWrite#Writes data to VRAM using the following format: \\[PPU-Reg1 Settings] [VRAM Address] [DATA] [#FF] \\[#FF] [#00] indicates end of stream. \\The data is read from $700-$7FF
« Reply #6 on: October 20, 2009, 08:46:06 pm » |
Sliver: Tell me you have this data because you're planning a DXO III.
« Reply #7 on: October 20, 2009, 09:11:13 pm » |
Damn! Thanks a lot, Sliver-X! ^_^ I'm getting this warm fuzzy feeling that tells me I should organize all this info into a document and submit it here as well as post it at DataCrystal. Way to come through, guys! All this data is sure to put a dent in the lack of CV2 hacking.
« Last Edit: October 20, 2009, 09:26:58 pm by Vanya »
« Reply #8 on: October 20, 2009, 09:23:11 pm » |
Damn! Thanks a lot, Sliver-X! ^_^
Common mistake. I did it a few times myself. ~DS
« Reply #9 on: October 20, 2009, 09:26:31 pm » |
Dysleixa stirkes agian! Anyway, corrected!
« Reply #10 on: October 21, 2009, 12:54:47 pm » |
Vanya are you looking to rectify the day night cycle that the AVGN hates so much? Because that would be great.
« Reply #11 on: October 21, 2009, 01:07:35 pm » |
I am. I'm thinking of doing 2 possible hacks.
One is a general improvement hack with some of the more annoying stuff fixed or removed. Depending how well that goes I'll also add in some stuff that I thought was missing like, you know, bosses.
The other idea I had is to use the CV2 engine to remake the MSX version of CV1. This would also require the addition of bosses as well as new and modified sub-weapons. It would probably depend on how the improvement hack goes.
Either way these won't get done for quite some time, so I'm not making any promises. What I will promise is that I'll organize the data into a document as I investigate the CV2 rom.
« Reply #12 on: October 21, 2009, 07:02:29 pm » |
what's wrong with the day-night cycle?
and, yes, bosses would've been nice. also, if you could fix that thing with the fire item where you can keep tossing it over and over again to basically "paralyze" dracula/ any other monster in it's path, that would be nice.
« Reply #13 on: October 22, 2009, 02:12:19 am » |
The problem with the day/night cycle is exactly what AVGN said. It takes a long time to make the transition and you can't skip the text. If this YouTube video I say is to be believed, removal of the text and the pause in the action will result in a nearly flawless transition. for fixing the Sacred Flame / Golden Knife problem I don't think it will be difficult to do provided I can find the code that handles the it.
« Reply #14 on: October 22, 2009, 12:57:59 pm » |
So why don't the guy have patch downloads or something.