Topic: SNES Music Hacking? (Read 1 times)
« on: October 14, 2009, 09:57:25 am » |
I know unless you're very experienced there's no way of editing SNES music, but that's not what I want. I would like to remove the music from some games. I like to listen to my own music when I play games, but I still like to hear the sound effects over the music. I know you can disable sound layers, but sometimes the sound effects are in the same layer as part of the music. And I also know you can rip the sound files from the SNES rom. Is there any way to remove or mute them but still have the sound effects there?
« Reply #1 on: October 15, 2009, 01:13:34 pm » |
Ahh, yeah, this is a hobby of mine too. I think that if you can find the BRR samples, you might be able to zero them all out, so in effect silence will be called as the SEQ data does its thang.
However, this is only theoretical since I haven't tried it with any SNES games yet; works wonders on some Saturn games though. I'd be interested to see if anyone gets results trying this, or if there's a better way.
« Reply #2 on: October 15, 2009, 01:16:18 pm » |
That is not a full proof solution, FaustWolf. Sometimes musical instruments and sound effects share the same BRR data. However, it could work for some games.
In general, you could figure out a way to do it for one game or a collection of games by the same company, but I doubt it would work well when you went and did it to another game. Realistically, games should have had sound effect and music volume controls separate, but.... eh.
« Reply #3 on: October 22, 2009, 04:44:37 pm » |
The easiest way to remove the music is to locate the pointers to the sequence and find the "silence" track which alot of games have and just point all the songs to that silence sequence.
If it were Nintendo or Square games there are several of us here that know about those games' music cores. But say take some Capcom or Konami game and I know myself is clueless about the spc core. lol
What games do you want to silence out and maybe some of us can help?