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Author Topic: Is there a list of official translations for Japanese program error messages?  (Read 1 times)
« on: September 25, 2009, 09:19:01 pm »

I'm going through the game's .exe in a hex editor and making note of all the potential error popupsm, such as "Resource not found." and "Map data failed to load." and whatnot.  The problem is that I don't know if there's a single, universally accepted English rendition for these.

For example, I'm not 100% sure if DS協調 [kyouchou] refers to data stream clustering.  It would make sense (to me, at least) but error messages don't translate literally and I can't find anyway to verify this.  The katakana ones are much easier to deal with, they should only use those >_>

The sentences themselves are easy enough structurally, but I don't know so much on the coding/programming end so I can't figure out the key terms based on context alone (the example above was mostly the product of a lucky guess and a few Google searches, plus a post on another message board).

I'm sure there are a billion ways to answer this - most several pages long - so if someone could just point me in the right direction I could look up the specifics.
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