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Author Topic: Need Help with Atlas the Beast  (Read 1 times)
« on: September 14, 2009, 11:22:38 am »

Yeah, Atlas is a huge beast to deal with. I'm scratching my head with it, hoping someone could help me with this problem. I'm used to Atlas, but I have encountered these problem as described below.

Well, my Snes Rom is Lorom80, with header, so these commands are included in the text file


Well, the pointers are offseted. They subtract 120k (120.000 hex) from themselves. I calculated pointers manually and it work. But when using Atlas, problems arise!

My Pointer table starts at $120218, the pointer is 3 byte. So these lines are included in the text file.

#CREATEPTR(MyPtr, "LOROM80", $120000, 24)
#PTRTBL(PtrTable, $120218, 3, MyPtr)

Well, the text starts at $2110F0



OK, nothing wrong.

But, since the text starts at 2110F0, then the pointer value is supposed to be


But when I ran Atlas, the result is B08EF0!
What the hell!

This mean Atlas adds A18000 hex to the pointer. Easy stuff.

2110F0-200-12000 + X =B08EF0

You can see X=A18000, easily.

So I must subtract that A18000 from the pointer by replacing

#CREATEPTR(MyPtr, "LOROM80", $120000, 24)

with this one

#CREATEPTR(MyPtr, "LOROM80", $B38000, 24)

Well, 120.000+A18.000=B38.000

The second run has the pointer value: F0EF0. Righ thing.

Then, the next text starts at $223FAD, the pointer value is supposed to be


But Atlas gave me 113DAD!

The second pointer is not right! I don't understand.

PS: I starts at a new place, $12031D, the pointer supposed to be 12031D-200-120000=11D

But Atlas gave me 4A811D. This means Atlas add 4A8000 to the pointer.
Above, when at $2110F0, it add A18000, now at % 12031D, it add 4A811D.

I also try other place, and the result are not the same.

I don't get what the fuss is going on. Could anyone explain to my stupid head?

Thankyou so much.
« Reply #1 on: September 16, 2009, 08:22:37 pm »

If your pointers are calculated merely by subtracting 120k (which seems very odd to me for a SNES game...), then they aren't "LOROM80" pointers.  You need to use "LINEAR" and offset by $120000.

Atlas never really added anything to the pointer.  LOROM80 means the pointer is converted from a linear address to how the SNES would memory map the ROM banks.

Let me know how it works out.
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