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Author Topic: I am Interested in Learning ASM/Debugging...  (Read 1 times)
The Drunken Hacker
« on: September 03, 2009, 04:51:10 am »

I have been playing around with various Chinese pirate games for the NES and have decided to try my hand at hacking one of them. One of the obvious steps would involve hacking the text display engine to use an 8x8 font rather than the 16x16 font that a majority of the games use. Unless the coders went out of their way to make the game friendly to hackers, I presume this is going to require assembly level hacking.

At the moment, I have absolutely no experience with assembly language and my only experience with debugging was in randomly clicking around in FCEUX's debugger, trying to figure out what things did. Would I be correct in assuming that familiarizing myself with debugging in general would be useful prior to immersing myself in assembly language? If so, are Parasyte's FCEUd tutorials a good place to start with this?

Any suggestions on what to focus on in this regard would be greatly appreciated.
« Reply #1 on: September 03, 2009, 06:27:47 am »

Debugging doesn't really require any special skill/knowledge, it all comes down to just using a program to monitor the execution of another program in memory.

I think what often confuses people about debugging is its inherent terminology. What is a breakpoint, opcode or a PC? And what does "Stepping Into/Over" an instruction means? I think the most important thing for you to do first, is become familiar with these terms.

Then, you'll have to be able to understand the ASM language you're dealing with (in this case 6502 ASM). This is what will require the most effort and studying but there are many documents in the database which can help you, not to mention the NES experts that frequently visit these forums.
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