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Author Topic: Harvest Moon DS Cute (J)  (Read 1 times)
« on: August 31, 2009, 10:41:17 am »

Hey, I'm a total newbie to this stuff, and this forum, although I've been lurking for a while. I'm currently learning both hexadecimal and Japanese, and eventually hope to be able to translate un-exported Japanese games, or maybe imported games with horrible existing translations 'cos man those bug me.

I mean, that isn't why I'm learning Japanese, but it might be a neat hobby to have later. Just sayin'.

In the meantime, I was wondering something pretty stupid about the Japanese version of Harvest Moon DS Cute (it's the same as HMDS but you play a girly girl!). I've been playing the US game on and off all year, and only just learned you can't actually lesbian-marry the mermaid in the English language version. Natsume or whomever decided we're all homophobes over here so that dubious honour is reserved for the J version. Sad

(I'm a woman, just on the offchance that it makes this post less creepy.)

So I was wondering... would it be remotely possible for me, or someone, to dump the script to the English HMDS Cute and somehow patch it to the J version? I have no idea how different the scripts/tables are but it's exactly the same game with only the text and font changed (and lesbian marriage) so it can't be that different, surely? I mean, the values would be different with the number of kana/kanji but if I could overwrite all that somehow...?

If it's possible, I'd like to try. It might be a good practise job for real romhacking, and I don't think I want to marry the mermaid quite enough to manually re-translate the entire damn game, at any point in the future.

If it isn't possible, then... meh, lame. Oh well, thanks anyway for wasting your time with me, I'll probably be posting on here about other games later so it's not like I got the account for nothin'.
« Reply #1 on: August 31, 2009, 11:11:51 am »

It'd probably be possible to move the English script and graphics to the Japanese version, but I don't think you'd be able to move that one feature from the Japanese version to the English version of the game without ASM work.

Either way it's a lot of work for one feature.
« Reply #2 on: August 31, 2009, 09:29:14 pm »

Yeah, don't know what ASM work is, so probably safe to say I can't do that thing.

And it's not that I want this one feature so goddamn bad, it's more that I would rather like to have it and at the same time I'm trying to learn tralslation hacking, so I thought the script importing might be a practice project I could mess with over a few months. Or something. Figuring out how to dump scripts, create patches, etc. Maybe I'm being overly ambitious too early?
« Reply #3 on: August 31, 2009, 09:53:40 pm »

Quote from: Corridor on August 31, 2009, 09:29:14 pm
Maybe I'm being overly ambitious too early?

Nah, just start with one thing and work your way up.

If you do want to import all the text and graphics, just start with one line and figure out how to transplant that.  You'll probably learn about how the game is storing stuff and get a better of idea of how you'll need to do the text en masse.

It'd probably be very hard to go from zero to "finding the switch that lets you do the lesbian mermaid wedding" (I can't believe I just typed that), but in the course of your transplantation, you may discover how that's done, or how they managed to "censor" that part of it.

You gotta start somewhere, right?
« Reply #4 on: September 01, 2009, 03:42:00 am »

Quote from: slowbeef on August 31, 2009, 09:53:40 pm
It'd probably be very hard to go from zero to "finding the switch that lets you do the lesbian mermaid wedding" (I can't believe I just typed that), but in the course of your transplantation, you may discover how that's done, or how they managed to "censor" that part of it.
Yeah, I got the impression the programmers just made a very minor edit, like lazily removed/changed the marriage trigger or whatever, because you can still get the lesbian love points (LLP) and romantic cutscenes, you just can't activate the wedding. Wouldn't surprise me if the relevant cutscenes and scripts etc were all still actually there, just inaccessible ingame.

Although even if I did figure out how to put these scene back in I'd rather do the English-to-Jap script dump, since it's kinda why I'm doing this in the first place. It's not so much about lesbian mermaids as it is about learning this horrible hexidecimal crap as it relates to Japanese text. I can read kana veeery slowly and I know many of the more common words, but I'm nowhere near 'translate an entire game' level, so already having a translation already on hand is very helpful.

Thanks for the advice!
« Reply #5 on: September 06, 2009, 01:24:16 pm »

DS have some nice applications that, combined with your effort, can grant good results with a lot less work than you would have with, let's say, NES.

I don't know about DS file structure a lot, but I know the basic: the ROM is basically a container, and have a lot of subfiles and subfolders. In some games, these folders and files are very organized, and you can find one file for the game texts, one file for the game graphics, and so.

I'm not also a great enthusiast of DS Romhacking (though I've made a translaction from Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin to the Portuguese), but I know of some programs that let you explore the files and folders contained into the ROM - DSLazy, DSBuff and Tahaxan. Probably there are a lot of others programs that let you do this job, but when I was a lot into DS Hacking (latter 2007), I would use DSBuff for everything.

In the Castlevania, I was able to find the text file in both the american and european version, but mass-eddicting it would bug everything (mostly because of pointers). You can try to just switch the files between the japanese and american version (if you find them), and see if it works. If it doesn't, go working your way to discover WHY it didn't.

Now that I read this post, looks a lot confusing, even for me. If you want me to explain anything again, feel free to ask.

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