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Author Topic: [SATURN] Any info on the SSF emulator savestate format?  (Read 1 times)
« on: August 28, 2009, 05:11:47 pm »

Of course Saturn emulation is in a state of...I-don't-know-what in comparison to PSX emulation, but there's so many goodies on the Saturn in regards to sprite ripping and potential translation projects, I thought this question would be worth a shot.

SSF seems to be the best Saturn emulator out there right now (or at least judging from the fact that it's the only one able to correctly run the obscure Dragon Force II right now), but it doesn't have any debugging or raw RAM dumping capabilities that I'm aware of. So, it would seem that savestate investigation is the only option open to anyone emulating with SSF.

I couldn't find decompressed graphics or anything else recognizable in an SSF savestate in TileMolester, so I'm assuming for now that the savestates that emulator produces are compressed. Does anyone here know what the compression algorithm is if I'm right? The only thing close to an identifying mark I can see across different SSF savestates is:

00000000  03 89 E0 70                                      ...p       

That's...not a lot to go on, I know, but I thought I'd ask here on the offchance anyone was intimately familiar with SSF.

EDIT: Actually, it appears that SSF savestates may be uncompressed. I was able to find some raw ASCII text in them.
« Last Edit: August 30, 2009, 11:53:45 am by FaustWolf »
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2009, 04:01:24 am »

I'm bumping this because I too have become a bit preoccupied with the original Dragon Force and am finding the complete lack of any kind of an attempt to translate the sequel very disappointing.
Special T
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2009, 07:36:28 am »

I agree although Dragon Force is IMO is the best RPG released in the US (Shining Force is a close second), although it surprises me that we don't see more Fan Translations for the Saturn because from what I understand there are a ton of excellent 2D Japanese RPG's for this system.
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