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Author Topic: Super Mario Advance 4: SMB 3 Editor Efforts  (Read 1 times)
« on: August 17, 2009, 11:53:03 pm »

Hello everyone,

I hope this is the correct place to post this, but if it is not, please move it mods and accept my apology in advance.

Anyways, I've posted topics like this in SMW Central and acmlm's board2 to generate interest in the production of a user-friendly hacking utility similar to SMB3WS (for the NES version) or  Lunar Magic (for SMW).

For the uninitiated, Super Mario Advance 4 is a GBA port of Super Mario Bros 3 with enhanced save features, graphics, and the ability to replay levels SMW style after the game is completed.  Some minor level edits have been done like in the other GBA ports to make levels a little easier, and to fit the GBA screen.

Aside from that, there are a TON of amazing, largely unused gameplay features JUST SITTING ON THE ROM!!!!


I'm most impressed that Nintendo added the SMW cape, SMB2 veggies, and the ability to steal a Boomerang from the Boomerang Bros.  Remember this is on top of all of the Suits and enemies in SMB3!!!!  I feel there is enormous hacking potential here.  There's also the SMB1 Musics (Overworld, Underwater & Castle), FlagPole, and the SMB1 Bowser Battle on the rom as well (not featured in the video).

Not many people know about this because players needed to use the defunct e-Reader to get access to additional levels that had these features.  It required 2 GBAs, a link cable, the reader, some e-Cards, etc.  Very bulky and not commercially viable......  About 40 level cards were available in Japan, but only about 10 were available in the US, and NONE in European markets.

If you want to see video playthroughs of almost all of the levels, click my video and visit my youtube channel.  If you want to experience this greatness for yourself, please visit the main topic on acmlm's board here...


or the topic at SMW Cental.....


Those links have a gamesave with the extra levels loaded to a ROM.

If you feel you can contribute to these efforts at all, please post here, there, or anywhere.  Please help generate interest in hacking this game, contribute to an editor, or send positive energy our way.  I think this could become bigger than SMW hacking someday!!

Oh, also...

There have been some progress.  In the acmlm topic, a user has listed a bunch of hex values for a lot of objects and levels.  Also, another user has created the ability to compress files so that people could create their own level cards!

Thank you very much for reading!!!  Smiley
« Last Edit: August 18, 2009, 12:18:28 am by I.S.T. »
« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2009, 12:18:52 am »

Hi. Editor looks cool. Smiley

I edited out the embedded links, as they don't work on this forum.
« Reply #2 on: August 18, 2009, 12:49:21 am »

Nice. I'd certainly play SMB3 again if I could use the boomerang. Nice that you can have another power and use that, too. In the video he throws the boomerang to try and get some enemy, and it doesn't get back in time, so he whacks it with the tail instead. XD

« Reply #3 on: August 18, 2009, 01:30:52 am »

Cool, a SMB3 editor without the NES hardware limitations. GBA needs more love around here anyway. Wink
« Reply #4 on: August 18, 2009, 03:33:12 am »

This is really really neat. 
« Reply #5 on: August 18, 2009, 04:16:58 am »

Hi !
I'm Kiiro from acmlm.

I did ask to someone to do the main routine (loading file, etc..) for the compressor ^^

Here's what i did :

I rather think it's even possible to do a Level Card by scratch.
However, it has some limits, It's only possible to do 4 "rooms", and using objects and enemies that are in the ROM, and the size (not really of level).

I'm very interested of having a SMA4 level editor.
« Reply #6 on: August 18, 2009, 07:32:31 am »

It seems like Nintendo created a single game engine and dataset that could do nearly anything from any of the 2D Mario games. It's nearly an 'ultimate' super mario bros. 2D engine. That could have huge hacking potential.

This probably belongs in General ROMhacking mods. Unless I've missed something here. There's no actual editor at present and a real project per say is not being done by copyRIGHThunter.
« Last Edit: August 18, 2009, 11:37:17 am by Nightcrawler »
« Reply #7 on: August 18, 2009, 11:07:09 am »

Level Card made from scratch by myself !
Two videos of it :

(Bad thing to do)
« Reply #8 on: August 18, 2009, 11:39:02 am »

I wonder if any of these features are compatible with Super Mario All-Stars.

Has anybody looked at both Super Mario All-Stars and the Super Mario Advance series? Do they share anything in common other than the graphics?
« Reply #9 on: August 18, 2009, 11:56:31 am »

Quote from: Nightcrawler on August 18, 2009, 07:32:31 am
It seems like Nintendo created a single game engine and dataset that could do nearly anything from any of the 2D Mario games. It's nearly an 'ultimate' super mario bros. 2D engine. That could have huge hacking potential.

This probably belongs in General ROMhacking mods. Unless I've missed something here. There's no actual editor at present and a real project per say is not being done by copyRIGHThunter.

there is an editor.  it's just unfinished.  it can do the overworld and a few other things.  i thought i had the source code to go with it, but i can't find it.


an e-reader (.raw) file editor would be pretty cool.  it'd be neat to be able exchange levels with people.


the link to it is on the acmlm page in the first post.
« Last Edit: August 18, 2009, 09:46:07 pm by Bond697 »
« Reply #10 on: August 18, 2009, 02:14:14 pm »

Quote from: LuigiBlood on August 18, 2009, 11:07:09 am
Is that the player or the game?
I know Cube Root of 3 (NES hack) exploited that glitch numerous times.
(the glitch being that Mario must land after touching the goal to complete a level. But once he's landed, he can safely walk on air. If there's no landing spot below the goal, Mario must match 3 cards (getting multiple 1-Ups) to survive.)
« Reply #11 on: August 18, 2009, 08:40:34 pm »

Quote from: Nightcrawler on August 18, 2009, 11:39:02 am
I wonder if any of these features are compatible with Super Mario All-Stars.

Has anybody looked at both Super Mario All-Stars and the Super Mario Advance series? Do they share anything in common other than the graphics?

I think there are some similarities.  I thought someone posted in one of my other topics that some of the hex data was in the same position for SMB3 in the SNES and GBA versions..... or maybe that was the SNES and NES versions....

I know someone's developing a SMAS editor called "MushROMs" but I would definately encourage Kiiro and interested parties in building an editor for level cards.  SMA4 is a much stronger engine for hacking!!!!

It would be great if it eventually expands into editing the original game map etc.  Eventually it is my ultimate dream to have a "Universal SMA4 Patch" that expands the SMA4 rom and adds everything else nintendo left out.  It wouldn't change anything, just add more!!! Things like the remaining enemies from SMW (Rex, Dino-Rhino/Torch, Banzai Bill, Torpedo Ted, etc), SMB2 (ShyGuy, Snifit, Ostro, Birdo).  Even other things would be amazing, like locked doors on maps that only open if a certain number of A-Coins are collected and the ability to replay levels immediately after they're cleared (SMW, NSMB style) as opposed to when the game is 100% finished.  SMA4 would be what the Mario Advance series should have been all along!!!!

I think adds to the SMA4 engine would easily be better than any of the SMW adds people have made, like the sorta crappy raccoon-tail flight (no offence to it's creator)  based off of the SMW cape, or cheap graphics replacements.

Anyways, like many times before, I'm getting ahead of myself.  Especially since I have next to no programming/hex skills.  I can still dream, promote the idea, and encourage extremely talented people to make it a reality though.

Thanks to everyone, especially Kiiro/Luigi Blood for advancing this idea!!! 
« Reply #12 on: August 18, 2009, 10:09:58 pm »

You post has made me want a "top secret area" with hammer bros suits and kurbio's boot.
« Reply #13 on: August 19, 2009, 03:02:45 am »

New video for you about Level Card Making :
captain Qball
« Reply #14 on: August 19, 2009, 10:01:56 pm »

Does anyone know anything about the ASM for thie /GBA ROMs?  like CopyRIGHTthunder, I am interested in some of the little things that would add much to the game (replaying levels right away, etc.). In fact, there are enemy sprites used for the Kings (and yoshi).  Since that means there are albatoss and Mini-dino sprites in the game, it would just be a matter of mapping it to an enemy spot.
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