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Author Topic: PC games  (Read 1 times)
« Reply #15 on: July 25, 2009, 05:30:49 am »

Quote from: Grievery on July 25, 2009, 04:52:35 am
Thank you for the documents... I have read some of them and I understand what is it all about. I just don't know what are the numbers for the Japanese symbols. Well... 00 is A, 01 is B, 13 is T,etc. But what is the number of... let's say... あ? Thank you once again, you are all very kind.
Best regards, Sirrush.

As DarthNemesis said, the game apparently uses SJIS (very common for PC games). There is an already complete table for SJIS in the database here on the site:

« Reply #16 on: July 25, 2009, 05:42:24 am »

Thanks a lot... but how to open this file. It's .tbl, so I can't remember of a program to open with.
Best regards. Grievery.
EDIT: Never mind, I found it on the Internet. Actually, I opened it with WordPad. THANK YOU Smiley
Ok, I found out what to do with the code. The problem is that the code for the Japanese symbols is much shorter than the code for the English text. If I insert a new string, the game shows an error. Any advice?
Best regards, Grievery.
« Last Edit: July 25, 2009, 08:18:04 am by Grievery »
« Reply #17 on: July 25, 2009, 02:18:26 pm »

Next topic of interest: Pointers. Again, document section has all the info.
« Reply #18 on: July 26, 2009, 01:36:33 pm »

Hi again! Thank you for a 1000th time!!! Maybe I have too many questions.. sorry about that. I read all the documents in the Documents section about Pointers very thoroughly and I found THE MADHACKER'S GUIDE to be the best. So, I understood many of the things necessary to translate a game but... (shouldn't I stop with these "buts"?)... well, I think that the file I am editing has a FIXED LENGTH system (though I am not completely sure). This is what the document says about that:
"1) To determine if you've got a FIXED WIDTH system, just look at your text strings.  If you've
got a bunch of strings that are exactly the same length (especially if they use 00s at the end to
guarantee that), odds are you've got a fixed width system at work."
It's just that I have many 00s in the file. So... the problem is that this guide doesn't say anything about how to use pointers if you have a fixed width system.
Rarely used for text, this system is frequently used for item and spell listings.  The game knows
that the text string is X characters long (usually 16, sometimes 8), and reads them accordingly.
You don't really need to do anything with these.  (The Adventures of Musashi uses these for it's
item, spell, enemy, and town lists)".
This is a screenshot of my file. See the 00s?
Thanks again for your GREAT attention. Hope you would like to help me again...
Best regards, Grievery

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