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Author Topic: Question about potential FFIV patch releases  (Read 1 times)
« on: July 13, 2009, 01:46:19 pm »

An idea was thrown to me. I still plan on having the script for FFIV/ET translated, and using that as my primary script for patches.

However, I think it would be neat to throw the DS script in, change the font to look alot like the DS version, that sort of thing, and release that, too.

But if I do, is anyone actually going to want to play the actual translation that I release? T_T

« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2009, 01:48:46 pm »

ET for me.
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2009, 02:30:43 pm »

Voted for Easy Type, but I'd rather play that with the DS script (with any new lines translated and added in the same style). It's already the definitive translation for this game, I doubt you could outdo it, so you might as well take advantage of it. That way you don't have to wait for a translator either; I'm sure you could handle translating the new lines by yourself.

I've already got a nice fixed-width version of the DS font; it's yours if you want it.
« Reply #3 on: July 13, 2009, 02:47:09 pm »

Quote from: Dragonsbrethren on July 13, 2009, 02:30:43 pm
I've already got a nice fixed-width version of the DS font; it's yours if you want it.

Send it my way. Or hell, upload it to the font archive.

The reason I still want to get a fresh translation of the script is manyfold. First, the J2e translation adds a bunch of crap in that isn't actually in the script. I know this simply because I was using it to compare to my intro, having translated about 90% of it myself. So essentially, my goal is to give us the SNES FFIV we never got, and should have gotten. All of the best hacking I've done, plus a newly translated script.

Keep in mind, I started this project way before FFIVDS was even a reality. The goal is still the same as it was when I started, but now that version has been released. Which is the reason why I even consider releasing the separate patch.

« Reply #4 on: July 13, 2009, 03:37:36 pm »

Quote from: DarknessSavior on July 13, 2009, 02:47:09 pm
Send it my way. Or hell, upload it to the font archive.

It's already in the archive here, but this copy is pre-formatted for FF4 (my enhancement hack, actually). It's actually a hybrid of the DS and GBA fonts:

I didn't include most of the stuff exclusive to my hack (a whole bunch of squishy text), but did throw in the ripped/recolored GBA and DS icons I was using, on the chance you want those.
« Reply #5 on: July 13, 2009, 05:37:59 pm »

yeah, the ds script would be nice to have in there.
« Reply #6 on: July 14, 2009, 10:38:00 am »

I'd like to see the DS script in there since that's the definitive official translation. I can't say I would play your later or anyone else's for that matter. We already have enough for me.
« Reply #7 on: July 15, 2009, 03:00:19 am »

Birthed from womb of dragon's maw
And borne unto the stars
By light and darkness cast aloft
Are dreamtide oaths resworn
Moon is swathed in ever-light
Ne'er again to know eclipse
Earth, with hallowed bounty reconciled

But fleeting is the reverie
When moon from shadow has regressed
Guided forth anew by light made manifest
Two bound by ties of blood
By time and fate then wrest apart
Unto lunar light and Gaian breast

I know the damn thing by heart now. It's the first and only time I've bothered. The first and only time it's been worth it. FFIVDS's translation should not just be considered the definitive one; it should be considered a high-water mark on par with FFT: War of the Lions and FFXII. They took a boilerplate piece of copy-and-paste-the-names prophecy and turned it into pure poetry. I nerdgasmed when I realized what I was looking at in the game's manual. (Note that the word "nerdgasm" is not usually part of my vocabulary.) I haven't finished what's available of The After Years yet, but I even got a pleasant surprise to notice they called the place the "Feymarch" (but then, SE has been good about consistency between its own localizations as of late; they've done everything but redraw the seal in FFT's menu screen so that the runes mention "Chaos", "Mateus", "Famfrit", "Zeromus" and "Exodus" XD).
« Reply #8 on: July 16, 2009, 11:33:18 am »

I voted for Easytype, but I'll probably end up playing your FFIV translation at some point, too.

I'm not at all interested in playing FFIV with the DS script. If I want that, I'll just play the DS version.

...DS translation vs. DS's translation. I can see this getting confusing. Cheesy
« Reply #9 on: July 18, 2009, 09:16:13 am »

At around 7:32 in this LP of j2e's translation (close to the end of the game), and we have the money shot at 7:45. Shocked
Is Rydia going to Meteo Edge's balls or something? Roll Eyes

I want to guess this was some over-the-top editing.
And as such, reason enough for DS' retranslation? Smiley
« Reply #10 on: July 18, 2009, 10:27:44 am »

Yeah, I am very glad I never finished that translation.
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