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Author Topic: Having some problems with linebreak and strings being displayed properly  (Read 1 times)
« on: June 21, 2009, 02:23:18 pm »

So I shifted the text up a line and the game doesn't like that and now there's a problem with linebreaks and the strings being displayed correctly. I've been messing with the code, but I haven't been able to perfect it. Anyone have any ideas on how to fix this or correct the problem?

$9EDC:C9 FE     CMP #$FE                   A:FE X:23 Y:16
$9EDE:F0 2B     BEQ $9F0B                  A:FE X:23 Y:16
$9F0B:BD 04 05  LDA $0504,X @ $0527 = #$BA A:FE X:23 Y:16
$9F0E:29 E0     AND #$E0                   A:BA X:23 Y:16
$9F10:18        CLC                        A:A0 X:23 Y:16
$9F11:69 46     ADC #$46                   A:A0 X:23 Y:16
$9F13:9D 04 05  STA $0504,X @ $0527 = #$BA A:E6 X:23 Y:16
$9F16:BD 28 05  LDA $0528,X @ $054B = #$26 A:E6 X:23 Y:16
$9F19:69 00     ADC #$00                   A:26 X:23 Y:16
$9F1B:9D 28 05  STA $0528,X @ $054B = #$26 A:26 X:23 Y:16
$9F1E:60        RTS                        A:26 X:23 Y:16

It's very odd as I can either get the second line to display properly or only the third.
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2009, 02:32:15 pm »

I'd be more worried about those city graphics screwing up, or is that normal?
« Reply #2 on: June 21, 2009, 02:41:28 pm »

Edit: Nevermind I got it.

Edit 2: Incidently, I could use some pointers for hacking the timing of the intro and also making the music start up a little sooner than what it already does. Are there any particular registers on the NES that deal with this stuff?
« Last Edit: June 21, 2009, 06:52:49 pm by Pennywise »
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