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Author Topic: Translating CD-based games.  (Read 1 times)
« Reply #15 on: March 12, 2009, 01:24:09 am »

Quote from: Piotyr on March 09, 2009, 02:24:39 pm
the wealth of information and documentation as well as the tools available.
I agree on the tool aspect (not many people bother to make specific editors for newer games), but the lack on information is just a big, huge misconception. There have been official docs for pretty much all newer systems floating on the net for YEARS, with even entire SDKs used for commercial games. If those aren't info I really dunno what else they could be.
« Reply #16 on: March 12, 2009, 04:56:05 am »

I imagine from an info point of view the PS3 will be the easiest to hack out of the current gen, simply because of the huge wealth of Cell docs released by IBM and the GPU being a cut down GeForce 7900GT...
« Reply #17 on: March 12, 2009, 08:03:10 am »

Quote from: Piotyr on March 11, 2009, 11:14:00 pm
No need to be so hostile and there is a we in the fact its  a community. Its like we the human race. We may not have the same goals or work on the same thing but we are still part of the same whole.

I'd have to say your phrasing was perhaps inviting some hostility. The first time I read it, I considering a similar response. Your post was filled with potentially loaded generalizations from start to finish. Suffice to say there's apparently a large group of people who see no reason to move on to new frontiers at this time or they would have done so. From my personal vantage point, there's plenty of good games left on the older consoles and there's no reason to move until they're done.  So, you see, saying something like 'we need to do x' is really a loaded generalization. Your conviction is equally met in contrast.

So many people like to use lack of tools and documentation as an excuse for not hacking PSX or other consoles. While tools certainly play into it (no debuggers make things more painful), I hate seeing documentation used as an excuse. All the concepts are the exact same no matter what you're hacking for the most part. The difference maker isn't the platform, it's 2d versus 3d and ROM vs. file systems. That's really the only real difference between hacking any consoles. Beyond that, the concepts are all the same. You may have the need to learn some assembly or some hardware details for the individual platforms, but that information is out there already. So many just don't make the connection. They think current documents are useless.

There's got to be some reason why so few are writing new documentation. I'd link it to few new concepts come up and there are still so few hackers that have moved on to new frontiers for whatever their reasons. Wink
« Reply #18 on: March 12, 2009, 01:17:56 pm »

Quote from: Piotyr on March 09, 2009, 02:24:39 pm
Its not just cd based systems that need love its others such as the wonderswan (Has some pretty good rpgs like an arc the lad game and the choaniki (Yes that choaniki) card rpg) and the various sega systems.
Lets not forget pc engine. No ones tried translating the far east of eden games as far as I know and those look amazing!
Not to be nitpicky, but the PC-Engine IS a cd-based system. Well, it had the hucards too, but I doubt there`s any hucard-based game that anyone really cares to see translated. Pretty much all the RPGs are on CD. Now, I agree with the sentiment though. I don't believe the Snes is out of translation-worthy games-there`s a good, oh, 15 I'd love to see-but it'd be awesome to see the PC Engine and Sega Genesis get some love. If, say, AnEarth Fantasy Story was a Snes game, you know it would've been translated years ago. It's basically the precursor to the Tales series. I have a fondness for the Startling Odyssey series, myself-I'd especially love to have Miraculum in English. Of course, that`s a PC-FX game, so...
That said, each individual romhacker will work on whatever game is fun for them to work on. It's a hobby, so there's really no room for complaints.
« Reply #19 on: March 12, 2009, 03:40:57 pm »

To be honest, I've always attributed the lack of post-snes-era translations/documents (fallacy or not) to the fact that all of the Final Fantasy games since then (and most of Square's other RPGs) have been officially translated and released.

In more general terms, the majority of the good post-snes RPGs were officially translated and released.  There simply aren't as many untranslated gems for newer consoles as there are for older consoles.
« Reply #20 on: March 12, 2009, 04:25:15 pm »

Hey note everything in my older posts needs to be taken as opinion not fact. That is why hostility is not needed.
Also yes there are a lot of snes rpgs to be translated but I feel the other consoles need some love too! I look at the translation database and there iss like 200 snes translations but only a couple genesis.
Now I know hackers will do what they want to do, and more power to them its their time, its their hobby, and its what gets them the fulfillment they want from it. I am just saying in my opinion the other consoles need more love, I'm not saying GET OUT AND DO IT NOW NOW NOW!
And there are a lot of good rpgs for the psx that never got translated.
butane bob
« Reply #21 on: March 12, 2009, 08:45:48 pm »

There simply aren't as many untranslated gems for newer consoles as there are for older consoles.

Personally i think there're many! Especially on the saturn and ps1, they're just not as well known.
Sliver X
« Reply #22 on: March 13, 2009, 12:41:09 pm »

Yeah, there are some gems on the Saturn that would be interesting targets for a translation.
« Reply #23 on: June 29, 2009, 02:22:41 am »

There are SO many lesser known PSX games (mostly rpgs and sims) that haven't been translated that I'd like to play in English it isn't even funny.
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