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Author Topic: Another n00b question  (Read 1 times)
« on: February 24, 2009, 07:02:07 am »

I've had this idea knocking around in my head for a long time involving, among other things, revamping Chrono Trigger to use Chrono Cross' battle-engine. My main question is: Is this theoretically possible; and if so, how difficult should I expect it to be?

Yeah, I know...I'm not one for easy initiations. XP
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2009, 07:34:30 am »

Well, I don't really know all the differences (only ever played Chrono Cross), but anything's possible with enough skill and effort. What would have to be done is to research the battle engines of both games and make an extensive list of all the differences. Not just the usual game guide stuff either, you'd have to actually figure out the algorithms used. Unless someone has already done so, this would require either disassmbling the relevant routines or extensive (and I do mean extensive) gathering of statistical data.

Once you've figured out what needs to be changed, you'd have to modify or rerwite battle engine to implement these changes. This is not a small task, it will probably
require extensive ASM hacking. Unless you've got a fair amount of programming experiance, it'd be out of your league.
« Reply #2 on: February 24, 2009, 08:26:28 am »

It'd be out of most people's league, really. It would literally take years just to get to know all the routines involved. Then some of those are going to be used by other functions as well and so ond and so forth.
Most people that are at least capable of doing this task, would not do it simply because of other tasks at hand. Usually, the battle system in RPGs like that is one of the main parts of the program. It really would take a LOT of effort to do anything even subtle with it and still not breaking stuff! And I'm not talking about text changes etc, but the real engine itself.

Pretty much, it is going to have lots of different calls, some of them will call the function (I so know what this part does), some will call (I have no clue), others will call (read funky variable, never store it, probably redundant... or maybe you just don't know jack about this). Also, there is going to be lots of reads and writes to (funky variable in ram), so be aware of that, too!
And that's only the first engine. Then it would come to porting it over and having to deal with all sorts of issues arising from the fact that you will always end up using more ram, needing specific functions not presents etc!


« Reply #3 on: February 25, 2009, 05:00:25 pm »

I guess this question has been answered but wanted to give me 2 cents.

To simplify this, if you were working w/ the original source codes (to both games) like Square-Enix would be it would be a super tough battle, usually the coding is done in "teams" for a comcerial product with a few "lead" (not solo) coders.

You're not working in a team and you're not working w/ source codes, all you have are binary compiled dumps...thus you have to reverse engineer your way backwards, so ASM (assembly) is a must and if you don't know PSX ASM (which I believe is Z80 Assembly) forget about it!
« Reply #4 on: February 25, 2009, 05:08:35 pm »

You would have to hope someone else does the research... but even if you have that, you would most likely have to radically change the battle engine of CT's, which would most likely require extensive reworking.

In sum, you are very likely in over your head to think this is doable.
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