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Author Topic: Zelda Actor Placement 2 and Utility of Time  (Read 1 times)
« on: February 01, 2009, 07:27:40 pm »

My problem is this: I have both the debug and regular rom of OoT Master Quest. However when I save the changes ZAP2 makes from the debug rom into the normal rom, they never work (when it is from debug to debug it works fine). I think this may have to do with hex addressing...? I get a RAMBase error when I try to use the standard rom as my template for changes. this is an issue because I want to make changes and play the game normally from a standar rom. Utility of time will let me make changes but I cant find a list of hex address for zmap and zscenes for master quest. This means my extracted files have little meaning as I dont know which ones are which. Anyone know where to find this info or pointers? I hope someone out there is verse on these tools. Thanks in advance!

Excellent, thank you for the help Wareya! After an extensive google I cannot find anywhere about how to decompress the entire n64 rom. I can extract images and such but I need the entire rom uncompressed so I can inject code into it. Anybody know how?
« Last Edit: February 02, 2009, 10:41:14 am by haddockd »
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2009, 09:58:03 pm »

The different roms have different places in their files to put the same files. The debug rom usually has higher offsets than any of the other versions, and the 1.0,.1, and 1.2 roms are by default, compressed. You'd need to decompress them to get the files in.
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