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Author Topic: Problem with Kanji  (Read 1 times)
« on: January 24, 2009, 07:32:43 am »

Hello every one
I'm a newbie to this 4rum, also to Rom Hacking (noob is not to be called a noob).
My luck stat is 0 so it it took me 30 minutes to register to this 4rum.

Anyway, I don't speak English but Japanese so please bear me if you find any vocabularical or grammatical mistake. I think it's enough for the introduce.

If you cannot see Kanji in my post, changes are you dont have the Japanese font. Please download here


Main point:

Currently I'm working on Fireemblem 4 (Seisen no Keifu) and 3 (Monshou no nazo), I just want to translate the text to Vietnamese as a gift for friends. I read alot of documents here in this site and Google and I do know basic things such as table, pointer....

My worblem is: FE3 and FE4 use 3 bytes for each Kanji (though FE3 does use some 1 byte for some Kanji, and they ends at FF)

For example (just exam) in FE3:



They all have 00 at the head. But when I list the table as above, Windhex does not display Kanji properly. Instead of displays 0012A41332 as 天文. it displays 0012 (control code), A4 (a Hiragana character), 0013,....and so on.

Can you figure it? If my words are difficult to understand, I'll upload the table for you.

So Windhex can't display properly, meaning that the dumped text is wrong and I can't translate it. But I don't care, because there're sites as Pegasusknight.com that let you view the text of all FE games.
I fear that without display text properly in Windhex, I cannot insert the text after translating.

(Yeah, I finished with the translating, all text, all things displayed in the game)

Beside, if I list the table like



(get rid of the 00)

Then what do I list the 00 as?

Then, another prolem:  If 2 or more Kanji on the same "board" in the game (such as 12A4=天, 12C6=島, 12F8=秋, 1332=æ–‡, 13CC=渡.....)

so the word 天秋 in hex is 0012A4F8 but Windhex doesn't understand, it displays 天F8 !!

So anyone can tell me how to handle with the problem?

Thank you very much.

« Last Edit: January 24, 2009, 07:47:02 am by Rappa »
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2009, 09:00:51 am »

A quick test suggests that WindHex is unable to handle more than 2 byte table values. (The same quick test suggests that Translhextion and Hexecute are also incapable of this.)

You might try extracting the script with Cartographer. (Make sure you read the entire thread, there is some discussion of a user who had problems with 3byte values but managed to figure it out.)

I would presume the best tool for reinserting your script would be Atlas though someone with more knowledge on the subject might have a different suggestion.
« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2009, 11:37:54 am »

Yeah, many programs were short sighted in their table support.

I don't know if any dumpers outside of Cartographer can support it. Atlas should be able to handle this OK though for reinsertion. The table support I saw in the source code was very good.
« Reply #3 on: January 25, 2009, 01:58:24 am »

Thank your you all for the advise. I'll try the soft this evening.
By the way, I'm using script insertor and It has no problem with short text. I don't know whethere it works with FE or not.
I also downloades Atlas but I don't know how to write the code for it to run. Maybe I'll need your help later.

Thank you again.
« Reply #4 on: January 25, 2009, 01:47:44 pm »

I get around this by coding dumpers/inserters catered to each game, but if you don't know programming then premade ones will be your only option
« Reply #5 on: January 26, 2009, 07:35:08 am »

May I ask one more question?

The fact is that most Japanese Rom doesn't have DTE library, so how can I add it?
« Reply #6 on: January 26, 2009, 09:01:27 am »

Assembly hacking.
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