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Author Topic: PlayStation BIOS Japanese Font  (Read 1 times)
David Holmes
« on: December 23, 2008, 01:09:12 am »

In the process of working on the Suikogaiden Translation Project, I set about hunting for the game's Japanese font, thinking I could replace it with a Latin font and hack the code to change the character size. 

I eventually found the font, not in the game, but in the BIOS. I had been vaguely aware that the BIOS contained a Japanese font, but I didn't think it was actually used by games - based on documents and discussion of other projects, I had assumed games generally just shipped their own font, since the BIOS one seems to be a kinda crappy 1-bit font.

Has anybody else encountered a game that uses this?  Has anybody had to work around it by hacking their own font into the game where there wasn't one previously?
« Reply #1 on: December 23, 2008, 05:21:39 am »

Quote from: David Holmes on December 23, 2008, 01:09:12 am
Has anybody else encountered a game that uses this?  Has anybody had to work around it by hacking their own font into the game where there wasn't one previously?
Castlevania SOTN uses the BIOS font for rendering text (it's a little hard to notice as it's post-processed via code), and so does Clock Tower: The First Fear (no post-process in this case). I believe there are also other games using it, but I have no clue which could be.

As for the second question, yes I did. Sample image:
Kitsune Sniper
« Reply #2 on: December 23, 2008, 03:24:38 pm »

Doesn't Persona 2 (US version) use that same font too? Or maybe I'm remembering things wrong.
David Holmes
« Reply #3 on: December 23, 2008, 09:40:42 pm »

Okay, thanks for the responses.  I'll assume that inserting a new font is a viable strategy, then.  It'll make the task a bit more complicated than I had planned, but I'll make do.
« Reply #4 on: December 24, 2008, 01:09:43 am »

Quote from: Kitsune Sniper on December 23, 2008, 03:24:38 pm
Doesn't Persona 2 (US version) use that same font too? Or maybe I'm remembering things wrong.
You mean the bios font or the one in my screen? Either way the answer is the same: no. Tongue
« Reply #5 on: December 24, 2008, 04:13:25 pm »

Quote from: Gemini on December 24, 2008, 01:09:43 am
Quote from: Kitsune Sniper on December 23, 2008, 03:24:38 pm
Doesn't Persona 2 (US version) use that same font too? Or maybe I'm remembering things wrong.
You mean the bios font or the one in my screen? Either way the answer is the same: no. Tongue
Gemini, may I ask which font did you use in Persona? Like in this picture.
« Reply #6 on: December 25, 2008, 03:37:42 am »

It's a custom version of Lucida Sans, one of the default fonts in Windows.
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