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Author Topic: Visual Novel Script Replacement  (Read 1 times)
« on: November 01, 2008, 09:21:00 pm »

Hi ya, well basically there is a Visual Novel called "Kana Little Sister" as a lot of people here may already know. Since the new version "Kana Okaeri" is yet too be translated and most likely never will unless a fan takes up the project. From what I know there is no script difference between both of them, so basically I want too copy the script from the old version too the new version seeing as how I and I'm sure many others prefer the anime artwork too the old artwork, also with other various improvements. Any idea's on where too start or what programs I should be using? Thanks guys.

Edit: Sorry if this is in the wrong section if so can someone move it please? If it's fine then thats cool ^^
« Reply #1 on: November 02, 2008, 04:11:09 am »

You'll have to look which engine the games are based on, if there is a lot of difference in age (never played either) they might be programmed using two different engines. Then you look if there are already tools for extraction (likely) and reinsertion (not so likely since most coders there just want to rip CGs and never bother with repacking). If you get both you're good to go, if something would have to be coded from scratch first it's up to you.
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