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Author Topic: SD GUNDAM G GENERATION ENG PATCH  (Read 1 times)
« on: October 26, 2008, 04:22:03 pm »

Thank you moderators for letting me join this forum. Though I must say, I'm really am a noob here..So without further a due. I just wanted to know if this was given a chance to be translated? I mean ever since it was released ( I think it was year 2003???) many folks here are askin if they can have the eng patch for this... If so, is there really a complete eng patch? And if I assume, is the patch taken off the forums because well...it's not that " Great " a game fo everyone?...umm..pls. explain a bit about this. I mean I'm just curious coz for one thing the game states its a"GUNDAM" game.... well who doesn't go loco about that? right? C'mon..... Okay. If you have the time just answer some of the questions. And pls. help the knowing public.....


I know this might sound cheesy but....can someone give me a working codebreaker/gameshark codes for the game? I mean its just for kicks...I really hate it when I have to lose Blue Destiny III just to give justice to the story ( poor Yuu!!!:( ).

Anyway thanks for the patience and effort!!
Keep up the forums it really helps.....
« Reply #1 on: October 26, 2008, 04:31:50 pm »

I searched Google right now and I found that there are multiple versions of SD Gundam G Generation...

If you mean the PS one, seems like there's no patch out.

I will also say that just because a game is perceived as popular doesn't mean there'll be a patch for it. The Super Robot Wars games are an example of this. They seem to be pretty hard to translate and if there is a team of hackers translating and hacking one of the games, it takes a long time and a lot of effort.
« Reply #2 on: October 26, 2008, 07:13:01 pm »

Last time someone asked about a patch for SDGGG, I said two things:

The main problem with SDGGF (or any G Generation game) is the enormous amount of text in the game that would need to be translated.  Very, very few people have both the Japanese knowledge and the motivation to do a project of that length.  Same reason why there are so many started SRW projects and almost no finished ones.

Also as far as translations go, another unappealing thing about this project is that the storylines in SDGGGF are lifted straight from the source anime (or manga, OVA, etc.) without any change to the story whatsoever.  So you can already find out what happens just by looking at episode summaries of the anime, or watching it yourself.  Even the dialogue is often word-for-word.  So that's a lot of work to translate that huge amount of text to end up with nothing really gained for it.

Personally I think anything more than a menu patch for SDGGG is a waste of time.
« Reply #3 on: October 26, 2008, 10:35:28 pm »

Judging from the OPs post I think the game is SD Gundam G Generation Advance.

Here's a document with CB codes:

Edit: Oh Gundam is pretty popular (I think), it's just that hacking the games is very time consuming and can be very difficult.
« Reply #4 on: October 26, 2008, 10:48:23 pm »

Quote from: kern on October 26, 2008, 07:13:01 pm
Last time someone asked about a patch for SDGGG, I said two things:

The main problem with SDGGF (or any G Generation game) is the enormous amount of text in the game that would need to be translated.  Very, very few people have both the Japanese knowledge and the motivation to do a project of that length.  Same reason why there are so many started SRW projects and almost no finished ones.

Also as far as translations go, another unappealing thing about this project is that the storylines in SDGGGF are lifted straight from the source anime (or manga, OVA, etc.) without any change to the story whatsoever.  So you can already find out what happens just by looking at episode summaries of the anime, or watching it yourself.  Even the dialogue is often word-for-word.  So that's a lot of work to translate that huge amount of text to end up with nothing really gained for it.

Personally I think anything more than a menu patch for SDGGG is a waste of time.

I thought the SD Gundam GG games were like Gundam crossover games with suits appearing from various Gundam series... Like Gundam and Strike Gundam fighting side by side.

BTW, is SD GGG any good? I tried the DS one and was turned off by the animations and same goes for one for the PS (I think F generation?)

Edit (response to kern's folowing post): Ooooh, I see.
« Last Edit: October 26, 2008, 11:11:09 pm by Garoth Moulinoski »
« Reply #5 on: October 26, 2008, 10:58:37 pm »

Some of the SDGGG games are crossover games, others aren't.
« Reply #6 on: October 27, 2008, 12:08:59 am »

I just acquired the GBA game and was surprised to find Le Kleuze or whatever his name is to be the first character to speak. I didn't like the giant mecha head icons though and decided that needed to be fixed but... I put the rom on Tile Layer Pro (no one say anything, k?) and well... didn't find anything that resembled them... Anyone think they're compressed?

Well, at least I did find some tiles that look like kanji for menus... I could piece them together and put em here and maybe I could do a semi-menu patch.
« Reply #7 on: October 27, 2008, 10:10:41 am »

I think you can use that graphics decompressor program (can't remember the name, but you use a VBA log and then it decompresses the graphics and then you can recompress it)

Also G Gen F is an excellent game, if you look past the graphics you'll find that you can do a lot in that game like putting together your own MS team, buying battleships to make your own fleet, and customizing MS' to make them even more powerful. Plus the game features a large amount of Gundam stories (that were available at that time), MS', and pilots.
« Reply #8 on: October 27, 2008, 03:47:31 pm »

IMO Spirits is better than F if you're OK with UC-only Gundam stuff.
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