It was a godsend when I looked in the Wan Wan Meitantei ROM and discovered, ripe for the taking, a full ASCII font I could use for adding my precious extra bit to each password character. Of course, wedging it into the available VRAM took a bit more doing; it was originally positioned at 600F800, but with some tinkering I was able to put it into the free space at the end of the first half of VRAM, at 6007400 instead.
But now I've got a problem. I can't seem to figure out how to make the BG0 tilemap which displays the password on screen point to the first half of VRAM instead. Tile 0 is still 6008000, and for the life of me I can't figure out how to get it to display a tile in the first half of VRAM.
Of course, the obvious answer is "it's impossible and you're screwed", but would someone have the decency to tell me just what exactly is going on here?