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Author Topic: Help needed: Table File for "Panel de Pon"?~  (Read 1 times)
« on: October 09, 2008, 05:15:37 am »

I tried to make a TaBLe file for Panel de Pon or whatever I need to translate it.
I used some tools that I found but nothing worked, can anybody make one?

I want to Translate PDP:
« Last Edit: October 09, 2008, 05:38:30 am by MagicMaker »
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2008, 05:38:39 am »

The Newbie Package of REQUIRED Material
Lern wie man eine macht :|
ROMHacking.net FAQ: You ask, we answer!
ROMHacking.net Getting Started Section: Newbies Go HERE!
ROMHacking.net Documents Section!
How to ask questions the smart way.
On the Essence of ROM Hacking

Btw your signature is not worded very friendly.


« Reply #2 on: October 09, 2008, 06:11:26 am »

Lern wie man eine macht :|
lol und wo steht wie man sowas macht
ROMHacking.net FAQ: You ask, we answer!
ROMHacking.net Getting Started Section: Newbies Go HERE!
ROMHacking.net Documents Section!
How to ask questions the smart way.
On the Essence of ROM Hacking
okay... but I still don't understand how to make one Tongue
And in the Rom there is only "Zeichensalat" (engl.: character salad? xD),
how should I find Text in this chaos?

Before I registered, I've tried something yesterday to make a TaBLe,
but dito it is impossible for me to make one :'( , so I thinked
"Try to request a table Smiley " and what's the result? Shocked
You give me fat helpless docs. Wow... cool service...  :crazy:

Btw your signature is not worded very friendly.
very simple: I don't want to chat in english ^^°
~in other words, my english is too bad for english chatting.
« Reply #3 on: October 09, 2008, 06:51:30 am »

Creating a table is the most basic skill for romhacking. If you can't even do that, how do you want to make a complete translation? Everyone who can make a table knows this, so no one is going to waste his time for you. The information is all there in the links Tauwasser posted.
« Reply #4 on: October 09, 2008, 05:35:02 pm »

Table making utilities don't actually search a ROM and make a table for you, they just save you from having to manually type your entire table. You still have to be able to find the table values on your own. What you want to learn is how to relative search, so look for documents on that subject.
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