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Author Topic: Deadly Towers hacking, questions about how/if I should handle a hack of it  (Read 1 times)
Ice Ranger
« on: September 04, 2008, 07:59:44 pm »

I know I haven't really been around (well, posting anyway) in two years or so, but Deadly Towers for the NES has earned the rank within (and on one site even the #1 position) in the top 10 worst games of all time.

A couple of years ago, I uploaded a lot of data on the game to datacrystal.org. Here's the direct link for the ROM map:

I have a few ideas to make the game more playable for the average gamer. I'm open for any other suggestions. I do have ASM experience, so nothing is really out of the question (well, the basics anyway, not like anything like completely re-programming enemies).

Easier changes
1) Lessen the number of hits for "weaker" enemies (20 hits for an early enemy is unreasonable)
2) Increase the speed of the sword (find a different use of the gauntlets by increasing the length it flies instead)
3) decrease the distance an enemy knocks the character back
4) remove the ledges through level editing (not necessary)
5) improve color selections
6) improve graphics

More difficult
5) make shop entrances viewable (may take a lot of time to track down the sprite that activates it)
6) modify some enemy movement properties (speed)
7) re-assemble graphics (difficult to explain this one)

The re-assembling of graphics is possible, but takes quite awhile to document and figure out how to use them effectively. I have documented a lot of data on Super Mario Bros. 2 that deals with this type of information, so it shouldn't be too much trouble.

Anyway, if these changes were made to make it easier, would anyone be interested in playing it? What other changes should I attempt to make this game better?

I have internet on a weekly basis instead of daily, so I will only be able to check it that often.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2008, 06:58:21 pm »

Some of the biggest complaints I recall seeing around the web, and a few minor issues (coming from someone who likes the game ) include:

1) The fact that you have to wait until the sword fired leaves the screen before you can fire another, so if you miss an enemy you're forced to run around avoiding any enemies until you can get a chance to fire again.  This is somewhat resolved later in the game by the combination of the gloves (Hyper Gloves?) that let you fire faster, and the power up that allows you to fire two separate swords, but most people have given up on the game well before this point.  The other power up that fires 2 swords side-by-side always seemed kind of pointless to me, due to the firing restrictions and missing, since you can still only fire once with it.  Your thought to increase the sword speed might be a good idea to help out early in the game.

2) Hidden dungeon entrances.  You kind of touched on that above with the shops being invisible.  So if shops are always made visible, perhaps the same could be done for dungeons.  I've seen lots of complaints of people getting into them and getting lost in there.  Of course, when I was playing this back in the day with some friends, we started mapping out some of the dungeons so we'd know where shops and exits were within the dungeons.

3) The boots that increase walking speed (Hyper Boots?) are kind of an interesting implementation.  By default it seems you walk diagonally at about 1/2 the speed as walking straight, and the boots just bump this up to normal.  Perhaps making all directions walk at the same speed from the start, and having those boots increase all direction movement speed could be investigated?

4) Knockback.  From my recollection, most knockbacks generally knock you down towards the bottom of the screen instead of backwards from the direction you are facing... not 100% sure if this is the case, but it's probably done intentionally due to the cliff ledges you can fall off to artificially increase difficulty.  If at all possible, a more coherent knockback effect could be interesting.  Ledges themselves never really bothered me so much as the questionable knockback implementation that seemed to lead to better chance of getting knocked off to your death.

5) You touched on the enemy health early in the game.  I'm suspecting you are specifically referring to the Bounders (? - blue bouncing balls).  Never really bothered me much, but then a controller (or emulator) with a "turbo" function kind of takes care of that in some regards.  If you make shots travel faster as baseline, perhaps the gloves could increase attack power instead to help alleviate the enemy health problem a little without modifying the enemies themselves.

6) Shops & Items.  Shops do not show any kind of naming for the items for sale, so you may see that helm is 80L, but *what* exactly is it?  Gotta buy it to find out.  For potions/scrolls/etc. this is even more cryptic without referring to the manual (don't recall if they were spelled out there?) or guide to tell you just what Red Drink and Orange Scroll are.  If I recall correctly, I think the potions and scrolls always use the same palette in the shop as well, so you're forced to remember how much the item costs to identify which it is.
« Last Edit: September 05, 2008, 07:26:02 pm by MegaManJuno »
Ice Ranger
« Reply #2 on: September 06, 2008, 12:25:27 am »

This will be a project I will be working on for the next few months, mainly compiling the data I need to search for. This is a game that I played a lot while growing up... mainly just figuring out how the dungeon maps worked by mapping them out.

Well, giving the character the benefits of items at the beginning of the game is not a problem at all, and that will allow the said item that would give that upgrade different possibilities.

1) Sword - Have the maximum speed possible at the beginning of the game, use the gloves to increase the length of a shot (shouldn't be too much trouble) and the sword upgrades still increase strength

2) Hidden Entrances - I will check it out; it is definitely sprite related, as I didn't see it anywhere in level data. The only problem would be with the "parallel zones" when in a tower (those are meant to be hidden to make it more challenging). Of course, the parallel zone could be eliminated altogether and just have the tower made larger (that actually will take a lot of time, maybe too much just to make the game easier for the average gamer); I'm not too sure what to do on that one. Getting lost in the maze dungeon will still be a problem, but there is an item that can be used to remove you from that dungeon and return to the beginning. Would it be fine to hack that as being a permanent item to select (sort of like the magical rope in Secret of Mana)?

3) Walking speed - I forgot about that problem, I'll check into that and make it the default speed for all directions, and use the upgrade to make the character move even faster (or possibly to increase defense stats)

4) Knockbacks - I forgot that the direction for knockback was mostly down. I'll check into the invincibility after a hit as well as the direction. I remember the dungeon maze, in the room where the balls line up and one flies in a circle, if you enter the room from the top, the column of balls will pull you toward the bottom as you are hit multiple times on the way down (a very easy way to die). Those columns being moved should solve that problem (To be honest, sprite placement is one of the hardest things for me to track down in data, but it will be necessary for this game just to solve that major problem).

5) Enemy Health - I may not be able to do much with it (I looked into it whenever I was gathering data before and was unable to locate a table for it in the data... but I will try again)

6) Shops & Items - There's a reason the items are not identified. There are cursed items (are those really needed? the game is hard enough already... I can try to dummy the cursed items out so that will get rid of some of the problem or change the cursed items to what their uncursed equivalent would be) I could check about the pallet that is loaded for the items... may be able to fix it. If not, memorization of price and item may be here to stay, but at least I could make the prices cheaper.

This game had a lot of potential, but apparently beta testers were either unavailable or actually were the developers that knew everything about the game.

Thanks for the advice for what needs changing, gives me a lot better idea of how and what to fix on it. If any of the ideas I have are questionable, let me know. I do most hacking for myself, but I do like to keep an audience in mind. Getting rid of the ledges looks like it is still a possibility to me. Instant death for a slip up is pretty demanding.
Shotgun Plasma
« Reply #3 on: January 19, 2009, 09:49:17 pm »

please make the game and finish it, it one of my favorite game when I was a kid because of challenge, let me know by e-mail me so I can try it out! (IceDash@live.com)
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