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Author Topic: World Advanced Daisenryaku Sakusen Fire (SS)- Working on Translation  (Read 1 times)
« on: August 17, 2008, 11:06:34 am »

Hello all,

I've recently become interested in translating some of my favourite Japanese war strategy games. I've read the very helpful tutorials on how to go about this, but I've hit a snag. For those of you who don't know World Advanced Daisenryaku Koutetsu no Ikusakaze (this games predecessor) was released in the West by Working Designs as Iron Storm. World Advanced Daisenryaku Sakusen Fire is the stand alone add-on to this game, but unfortunately it was never released here in the West. I've been opening up Iron Storm's files with a XVI32(hex editor) but all the files are in Japanese(its supposed to be translated in English), which is leading me to wonder how the heck did Working Designs translate the game? Now onto the question(s). Could the files be encrypted? If so how do I go about decrypting them? Or could they have just hacked the graphics in the game and replaced the Japanese with English? If that's the case how would I go about doing that then? The beauty part about this game is that there is a lot of English in game already, so there isn't a whole bunch of text to translate. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

p.s. I know translating/hacking isn't easy but I'm unemployed right now and I've got a lot of free time in between looking for a new job and doing nothing.
« Last Edit: August 18, 2008, 06:02:08 am by Tr00per »
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