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Author Topic: Finding a font or some text in a PS1 game.  (Read 1 times)
« on: August 08, 2008, 03:40:08 am »

Even though I only know the absolute basics of ROM hacking I figured there's no harm in trying, so I've been looking at Atelier Marie Plus for the PS1 lately. I can't find any text in readable form in the files on disc... I know some games store text in S-JIS so that was my first port of call. After that I tried looking at the contents of VRAM. There's a lot of stuff like menu text showing up in the offscreen area of VRAM, as well as all the sprites and graphic tiles that make up the backdrop. What I can't see is a font.

If I could find a font, then I could try relative searching. Is anyone willing to give me some tips as to how to find the font? I know PS1 hacking is supposed to be difficult, but I want to work on the games I like... even if I can't get anywhere it's better to try with something I care about. At least the PS1 is emulated and has a debugger. I'd quite like to try my hand with Saturn games, but that system is beyond my PCs ability to emulate.

Thanks in advance.
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