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Author Topic: Big project, help?  (Read 1 times)
« on: July 31, 2008, 03:42:57 pm »

I've always wanted to make my own game, but i never had the right programs.
But just recently i found a few that might make it possible for me to do so. Tongue

I'm attempting to hack Pokemon Leaf Green.
The programs i have so far that work are-

A-Tack (attack editor)
IconEd (Icon editor obviously)
AdvanceMap 1.92
TSCCv2.0 (Title Screen Cry Editor)
unlz-gba (sprite editor)
YAPE 0.9 (Yet Another Pokemon Editor)

They all work just fine, and I can figure out how to use them for the most part, but I have a few problems.

I'd like to know if there's any way to change the sprites using unlz-gba without having the colors changed, because you have to save them as .PNG files.
Say I find Bulbasaour's sprite, then save it.
Then when I open it up using MS Paint, since I have another sprite to change it to, I copy and paste it over Bulbasaur's sprite.
But the colors change.
Say if I changed his picture to a light green one that i saved as a .JPEG, when I copy the original and paste it to the .PNG file, its color changes from light green to brown.

Another thing I have a problem with is, I can't figure out how to change the text at the begining, like the introduction that tells you about the game, or what Prof. Oak says before you start.
I'd Also like to know how to change the text at the begining that says "2005 Ninteno etc etc ect".
Along with that, I want to know if there is a program that I dont have that can do those things.

Also, I need to know how to change the pokemon cries, or remove them completely.

Oh, and one more thing.
I'm having some trouble with AdvanceMap 1.92.
I can change the whole area, add new people events and sign ports, warps and everything else.
But I need a text editing program that can work with AdvanceMap 1.92, so if I add a new person event, I can give it some dialogue.

Along with that I need to know how to make warps.
I figured out how to add them, but I don't know how to add the map that the warp leads to.
I tried it out, then samed my ROM.
Then when I tested out the new warp out, it just lead me to a Multiplayer Battle Room with a Nurse character asking me if i wanted to battle.

Urg!  Angry
One MORE thing.
I'd like to know how to add events that are triggered when you talk to a certain person, or if you step on a certain panel.
Say I add a whole new map and I want a certain character to walk up and talk to you as soon as you enter that map.
How exactly would I do that?

I'm sorry for such a long post, but I'm fairly new to this and I want to do it right the FIRST time.

Thanks!  :thumbsup:

(I apologize if this is in the wrong section)
« Reply #1 on: July 31, 2008, 03:50:30 pm »

I've always had trouble with the script editors for the GBA engine, they never seemed to work quite right.

The reason why the colours are changing are because the PNG probably has a palette set for it which means you can only use the original colours in the PNG, from what I know you have to insert the palette separately into the rom but that might've changed with newer tools.
« Reply #2 on: July 31, 2008, 05:44:01 pm »

I don't know, but I suspect pasting a JPEG over a PNG might be a problem.
(as a JPEG is a lossy format and it'll try to blend the colors together)
« Reply #3 on: July 31, 2008, 06:09:02 pm »

Well, it doesn't mess the game up at all when I paste the JPEG.
All it does is change the colors, and thats my problem.
I wanted to know if there is anyway to keep the colors (even from a .BMP file to a .PNG) without totally changing the palette myself my hand.

« Reply #4 on: August 01, 2008, 02:35:07 pm »

Whether this will work or not depends on how the pallet is handled in your GBA game, but you might try to increase the color depth (bits per pixel) on the png. It's probably at 16 or 256 colors right now.

That should make its palette have enough colors to where the pasted image won't be altered into the original image's palette colors. Then, before you re-insert the png, decrease its color depth back down to what the original's was.

You will need a photo editor that can pull of those procedures decently too. 
« Reply #5 on: August 01, 2008, 07:48:28 pm »

well, i have the sprite palette problem figured out now
not just for the rest of the stuff
can anyone help me please? Sad
« Reply #6 on: August 01, 2008, 09:13:51 pm »

I am quite sure you got most of those tools from Pokecommunity.

But anywho, hacking FR/LG is easy for you people, since you have all those tools. For all the scripting you'll want to use XSE. And for changing all the text, you'll want a Hex editor that supports tables. I added the table info for FR/LG on data crystal just yesterday. Knowing you, you never touched a hex editor have you?
« Reply #7 on: August 01, 2008, 11:13:00 pm »

Sadly enough, no
i have experimented with the Advance-Text program
i generated the hex from text, then added it using Advance-Map in the people event section
then when i tested it, it worked somewhat, but after the text i entered was displayed by the character, it glitched out and displayed all of the other text from the characters in the area, while assing some other random symbols
i think it might have been something i did wrong, well actually i know it is
as i said before, im pretty new to hacking roms, so i'll need to know everything about it  Sad
« Reply #8 on: September 23, 2008, 06:58:21 am »

my guess is that you are not repointing when you try to put in more characters than were previously stored at that location.  either trim down the messages or switch to elitemap (a tool i prefer over advancemap for no adequately explored reason).  when i was dicking around with my pokemon spoof last year i was able to change what the professor said in the beginning without reverting to hex, so i know those tools from pokecommunity can do what you are wanting done.
« Reply #9 on: September 23, 2008, 07:49:00 am »

Speaking of Pokecommunity, does anyone know their status? I haven't been able to view the site for ages. Just a generic page not found error.
« Reply #10 on: September 24, 2008, 11:13:35 am »

Quote from: tc on September 23, 2008, 07:49:00 am
Speaking of Pokecommunity, does anyone know their status? I haven't been able to view the site for ages. Just a generic page not found error.

It's up right now with no problems, so I don't know?
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