Can anybody explain why some of the best games known on some of the oldest consoles aren't hacked...
Why haven't you personally hacked these games? Or made editors for these games?
When you have the answer to those questions, you will have the answer to yours.
Is your last sentence correct? :p
Anyways, I'm using speechrecognition since my arms are fubar.
I was working in the game-industry as an environment artist,
But I had to quit because my arms started to hurt.
I thought it was because I was using the PC a lot (RSI),
But that wasn't the case, now 2 years further they still haven't found the problem.
I cant work because of the pain, and on good days i try to work out a game i have in mind.
Also, even though I'm quite creative.. coding is my weak point..
I started with pascal and the first few months where amazing,
Always coding and most stuff worked.
But all of a sudden.. I lost it.
I don't know why but.. Nothing made sense anymore..
Ever since.. I cant code, not in flash, not in HTML (but if i spend hours i can get something decent.. without dreamweaver) not in c++ not even visual basic.
Though I'm still quite good with hex since I played with action replay when I was a small kid.. filling in random numbers to see what happened.
I remember BA3A6DAD.. it was a code for Mario.. i think snes, but it might have been Mario 3.
It also changed colors of the weapons and 1 of every 3 monsters in Secret of mana euro version.
Uhm In E.V.O. you could rebuy stuff you allready bought (cheaper healing), and In sonic 3 & knuckles (euro) hyperknuckles changed colors.
I once found a code for SOM that made you warp from the water castle to Krissie's house.
Also one.. very unstable.. that made you any random creature.. or.. some uberhero with all magics available.
lost the code though

Also.. think about how long it took me to make the computer write all of this correctly, especially since my English is with a dutch accent :p
also, i understand what kaioshin (and others) are saying,
My expertise is not coding, but visuals/gameplay/environment.
I'm the kinda guy that can work greatly besides a coder, but just.. cant.. code.
I can do great stuff with limited prefabs, and (when it comes to 3d) I can do almost everything visually myself.
I always wanted to recreate some amazing snes games, and didn't know it could be done until i found romhacking about a year ago.
Ive been trying out some of the hacks and tools, but you can only do so much with speechrecognition and a wacom.
Believe me, if I had the money, id pay a coder to hack s.o.m. to pieces.. just for my personal fun