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Author Topic: Finding Data  (Read 1 times)
« on: June 19, 2008, 10:27:35 pm »

Somewhat vague topic, but allow me to go into details.  This might seem a somewhat noobish question as well, I'm not much of a "hacker" aside from basic things within a particular game series.  Basically my question is, if there is something I want to change, but I don't know how to, what would be the most effective method(s) for finding said data? (Note: This is a GBA game)

If it helps, I'm working with Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stone, notably:
-data relating to how the split path work and how to remove it
-manipulating the world map to change chapter order, add more chapters on it, etc
-editing the tower and ruins (monsters, items and chests) and perhaps adding them into the previous point
-finding other event data in general (which would aid the above points).

Any assistance would be most appreciated, and I thank you in advance.
« Last Edit: June 19, 2008, 10:54:16 pm by ZephyrShakuraus »
Gil Galad
« Reply #1 on: June 20, 2008, 09:09:00 pm »

Quote from: ZephyrShakuraus on June 19, 2008, 10:27:35 pm
Somewhat vague topic, but allow me to go into details.  This might seem a somewhat noobish question as well, I'm not much of a "hacker" aside from basic things within a particular game series.  Basically my question is, if there is something I want to change, but I don't know how to, what would be the most effective method(s) for finding said data? (Note: This is a GBA game)

If it helps, I'm working with Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stone, notably:
-data relating to how the split path work and how to remove it
-manipulating the world map to change chapter order, add more chapters on it, etc
-editing the tower and ruins (monsters, items and chests) and perhaps adding them into the previous point
-finding other event data in general (which would aid the above points).

Any assistance would be most appreciated, and I thank you in advance.

I cannot really give you any exact methods for dealing with GBA games, since I'm not really familiar with the GBA game ROMs at all. Never opened one up in a hex editor before.

However, for the moment I'm going to assume that you don't have any knowledge of romhacking for the moment. Not meaning necessarily that you don't have any knowledge.

Read this here about getting started. Getting Started

Starting out from the beginning and using many of the methods described in those articles, you should be able to do some hacking right from the start, even if the hacking is not anything amazing.

There are a few utilities dealing with GBA games, floating around here. I suggest that you look for them.

Read up on the GBA ROM image format, wherever you can find documentation about it.

What you're saying sounds pretty ambitious, I wish you luck if you continue the project stated.

« Reply #2 on: June 20, 2008, 09:42:42 pm »

I generally work with games that have already been well-documented but my most common method for finding things is random tinkering. I find a block of hex that looks like it has some sort of pattern to it and try changing it, see if I catch any in-game changes. That's how I found all of my FF4 data before I started using Geiger's Snes9x tracer.

Tile editors are surprisingly good for this method too, generally patterns stick out even more in them than they do in pure hex.
« Reply #3 on: June 20, 2008, 10:19:23 pm »

You may want to look into ROM corruption, it is much less involved than tracing (so better for the newbie hacker) and is still a very effective method if utilized correctly. Check out the utilities section, I remember there being some good apps for corrupting ROMs.
« Reply #4 on: June 29, 2008, 10:17:40 pm »

When I use a program to corrupt NES ROMs, like Corrupster, how do I enter the hex values? Do I enter them as their CPU brethren ($8000-$FFEF) or do I enter the values as their main values ($0010-$7FFF)??

Pay attention to part 3 of PanAnning's video for corrupting Super Mario Bros. 1:

The last seven iterations covered in this video involve some area and event music corruptions.

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