Topic: GBA translating? (Read 1 times)
« on: May 21, 2008, 04:58:10 pm » |
I basically want some basic info on GBA Hacking. Now in a few games I've been able to find uncompressed ASCII text in GBA games, but if that's not the case? How does one find the text? By simple romhacking methods such as relative searching? I'd like to know. Also, I use TLP, but what editor can be used for editing GBA graphics and such? I'd like to know this. Also, how does one know if the text in a GBA rom is TRULY compressed? I'd also like to know that.
« Reply #1 on: May 21, 2008, 05:13:46 pm » |
As long as your game isn't evil (Like the FF Advance series) you shouldn't have any trouble using the traditional ROM hacking methods for finding data. Most Japanese games I've looked at use two bytes for each character, so keep that in mind while relative searching if you're using the old cavespeak method for finding text.
Doesn't TLP support GBA format? I thought it did, anyway, YY-CHR supports it too, and is better in every way. Also, those aforementioned evil FF Advance games store their fonts in what YY-CHR calls VB 2BPP mode.