Hey all! I'm looking for a relative search utility that can handle files as large as 600MB and that can conduct searches using hex values instead of letters, with wildcard capability. Basically, something that can do what Griffin Knodle's Relative Searcher 2.4 could do as illustrated in the section "Finding Pointer Tables" in his
tutorial. I didn't see Relative Searcher 2.4 on this site, and given that the tutorial was written in 1998 with NES games in mind, I imagine that program might not be able to handle ISO-size files to begin with.
I tried creatively (naively?

) using letters to "replicate" a hex search in the Monkey Moore relative search program, but the relative differences between letters in a 26-character alphabet do little to help when you're trying to search for byte strings like 0x92 ** ** ** 20 ** ** ** ** and the like. I suspect some of the awesome relative searchers hosted here are capable of the task, but without in-depth documentation I'm at a loss as to how I'd get a program to recognize that it's searching for hex strings as opposed to letter strings.