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Author Topic: some thingies I found for snes simcity  (Read 1 times)
« on: May 16, 2008, 02:17:18 am »

here are the fruits of spending a few days dinking around in hex editing snes simcity...

an interesting land-value altering range in RAM, geiger's snes9x debugger version:

7fab74 to 7fae61     fill this range with 20's or 30's or 40's or whatever floats your boat (22 is nice) and then freeze it and play a map. go click on the landvalue icon (the bag of money) in the mapping window.

some of these other ones I'm not too sure about (actually im not too sure the first one isn't harmless as I haven't played a whole game on it yet)

7f76b8 to 7f826f - fill this range with zeros or other low numbers.. as it is map-wide crime rate. if it acts how it looks, you could play a crimeless city.

7f8270 - 7f8e27 - fill this range with low zeros or low numbers and play pollutionless. (I think!)

7f0200 - 7f5fbf - the range for an entire map (at least on detroit where I tested it..) if you fill the range here with all zeros it will turn your map into basically freeland, but without the mario face, causing every tile to be open land. if you fill it with other numbers, beware... as there are 255 different things to possibly fit in a tile.

if someone expanded and studied on the last range, I bet someone could make a nifty map-editor or map creator for this game. it would take some hefty programming though, for sure. not a skill I have.

lastly, I haven't played a long city with some of these codes and am not sure if they will allow you to play and not crash, or cause other memory problems. I recall editing a game in such ways and permanently disabled it's multi-player feature, which doesn't work to this day. one should be wary of editing out-of-range memory because it can permanently alter your computer! none of these values here are out of geiger's snes9x debugger ram range though.

i'd love to talk with other simcity enthusiasts.... I am still seeking a ROM based address in this game to alter landvalues, to alter the landvalue diamond and not just the overlying landvalue. let me know if you are interested in looking for it!

« Reply #1 on: May 16, 2008, 02:41:51 am »

Interesting stuff, epspecially the potential for a level or senario editor. Which, honestly, doesn't sound to hard, provided things work as you've described and one knows how to program. However...

Quote from: azureth on May 16, 2008, 02:17:18 am
one should be wary of editing out-of-range memory because it can permanently alter your computer! none of these values here are out of geiger's snes9x debugger ram range though.

WTF? o_0

If you mean what I think you mean, that sounds like an exceedingly dangerous and buggy program. Borderline malware, at a minimum. At least a proper modern OS won't allow such things as an ordinary (unpriviledged) user, but with Win32's persisitant "run it all as Admin" attitude, that sounds like a disaster just waiting to happen.

I actually hope I'm interpreting that wrong, as otherwise, it just boggles the mind...
« Reply #2 on: May 16, 2008, 10:37:14 am »

well, I don't know. it happened when I was editing sierra's hellfiire .exe file, to make a mod. I accessed a range of memory and it crashed, then after it crashed it never worked in multiplayer again. i'll have to reinstall XP if it is ever to work again multiplayer. (there are hacks and stuff which allow hellfire to have 6 char classes and work multi)

but anyway..

a map editor for simcity would be awesome. I wonder if anyone wants to even try that.

can anyone tell me how I might permanently add a fix to the simcity ROM to allow ram addresses 7fab74 through 7fae61 to be permanently set to a desired value? I -think- its possible, isnt it?

« Reply #3 on: May 16, 2008, 02:05:33 pm »

I'm not quite seeing the point as the Windows version includes a map editor, but good job anyways. Smiley
« Reply #4 on: May 16, 2008, 09:32:08 pm »

Quote from: azureth on May 16, 2008, 10:37:14 am
can anyone tell me how I might permanently add a fix to the simcity ROM to allow ram addresses 7fab74 through 7fae61 to be permanently set to a desired value? I -think- its possible, isnt it?

Well, if they're RAM addresses, you can't edit the ROM at those adresses. So you'd have to find the routines that set and modify those areas and alter them. Alternatively, you could modify a save state. While it wouldn't be permant, it would be easier.
« Reply #5 on: May 16, 2008, 11:24:03 pm »

could someone more experienced with this, (and/or with this particular game) figure out the rom execution addresses for me/along with me?? otherwise i'm going to have to begin the rom "corrupting" process and it'll take days. Wink

ok.. I managed to find a seemingly-duplicate address in the ROM for RAM addresses 7fab74 through 7fae61.

the addresses in ROM are 8eed5d through 8ef048.

the values are not an exact match but nearly so in most of the code.

I tried altering the rom data to get an effect however.. and nothing occurs. shows what I know about programming....

anyone want to help? perhaps an idea on what values to change?

FOUND IT! with help from someone else who isn't too bad with ASM.

here it is:

ROM address o39d5f look for the value of 22. the string is "a9 22 38"

22 is the literal value for the diamond shape...replace it with a value of 32 and you get a good idea of what is going on. now you can put a value here of your desire and play a city with altered values!

also, ROM address 03c6b3 and b4? are the starting money on easy.. the other values around there or after are for medium and hard.
« Last Edit: May 20, 2008, 02:16:40 pm by Nightcrawler »
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