...been hex editing this game with snes9x looking for a land-value diamond (you know how the land value is shaped like a diamond?) enhancing offset. I used to have a sheet filled with custom game genie codes that I had painstakingly spent -forever- on, and one of those codes (which of course is now lost) was a code for increasing land value in incremental segments (ie, having the little + in the center of the diamond be orange instead of yellow, and having the green around the little yellow + to be yellow instead of green, and so on)
..anyway.. after digging around for hours and hours in the hex editor, all I have turned up so far is the addresses
7e0bab and 7e0bac which changes where the land value diamond is placed on the map. ie, if you change both addresses to zero, then the center of the land value diamond will be permanently in the upper left hand corner of the map.
I am looking for a way to increase the land value ranges of the land value diamond.. change it's colors in other words, so that I can play cities with altered land value like I used to do with that wonderful custom game genie code!

I have no knowledge of reading ASM, and aside from having to spend a week or two poking around with trial and error in the hex editor (yuck!) I don't know what to do. I do have an assembly reader, maybe someone can figure out where the land value data is stored in the coding? hmm.
ahh well, thank you for any help if you can provide it!
hmm, no luck finding help so far... though, I found a nifty little thingy in the hex for it: if you edit 03c6b3 (look for 20 4e in hex, or 20,000 in dec) you can permanently alter starting money on easy. hex 10 27 on there for medium skill level, and somewhere around there is probably the bytes for starting on hard. ^_^