Topic: GBA hacking question (Read 1 times)
« Reply #15 on: May 16, 2008, 09:07:49 pm » |
So what you're saying is that you're okay with people selling these translations? No, what I'm saying it that, people are going to anyway, so the obnoxious message has got to go. It's a waste of time and insulting to the user.
Kitsune Sniper
« Reply #16 on: May 17, 2008, 12:19:45 am » |
So what you're saying is that you're okay with people selling these translations? No, what I'm saying it that, people are going to anyway, so the obnoxious message has got to go. It's a waste of time and insulting to the user. Insulting? Maybe, but insults are the best way to let them know that they got ripped off. (I'm talking about people who went and bought a bootleg cart for a lot of money, not the people who bought the game off a repro site, which don't really make much money off the carts they sell.)
Spinner 8
« Reply #17 on: May 17, 2008, 02:25:55 am » |
So what you're saying is that you're okay with people selling these translations? No, what I'm saying it that, people are going to anyway, so the obnoxious message has got to go. It's a waste of time and insulting to the user. Insulting? Maybe, but insults are the best way to let them know that they got ripped off. And what are they going to do then? Politely ask for their money back? Leave negative feedback? The seller doesn't care. You already bought it, so they can keep on doing what they're doing. Why introduce some kind of "protection" scheme that doesn't at all affect the seller in any way whatsoever? Messages like that are applicable to maybe one-tenth of one percent of the users of your patch, an incredible annoyance to everyone else, and a pointless waste of time for both.
« Reply #18 on: May 17, 2008, 04:09:35 am » |
I don't see any problem with a short disclaimer messaged edited into one of the startup screens saying something like "this is free, if you paid for it you got ripped off" to raise awareness. But yeah, anything more pronounced would just be obnoxious to the poor schmuck who wasted his money, and even more so to anyone else who has to deal with it. It wouldn't affect the bootleggers, the only ones who you'd actually want to inconvenience.
« Last Edit: May 17, 2008, 04:15:13 am by DarthNemesis »
« Reply #19 on: May 17, 2008, 05:59:23 am » |
It might be possible to do something similar for a GBA title...
Yes, it's said to be possible (I haven't tested it yet, but it makes perfect sense). There's one thing no emulator cares to emulate that you can use for detecting real hardware.
Kitsune Sniper
« Reply #20 on: May 17, 2008, 08:39:12 am » |
It might be possible to do something similar for a GBA title...
Yes, it's said to be possible (I haven't tested it yet, but it makes perfect sense). There's one thing no emulator cares to emulate that you can use for detecting real hardware. I heard that some carts check out if they can access a certain area in memory, and if they can, they know it's an emulator and they stop working (the NES classic series does this.) Spinner: I dunno, maybe they'll open a PayPal dispute? Maybe they'll contact Nintendo of America and report them? They may not get their money back, but eBay will boot them off, and NoA will pull a DMCA notice on them. Maybe. Who knows how they handle that shit. *shrugs* I'm all for intro screens that say "This game is not meant for commercial redistribution" or something like that. I thought that posting this message at various points in the game would be similar to what Earthbound did (minus wiping your save games.)
« Last Edit: May 17, 2008, 09:04:30 am by Kitsune Sniper »
Spinner 8
« Reply #21 on: May 17, 2008, 01:02:58 pm » |
I don't see any problem with a short disclaimer messaged edited into one of the startup screens saying something like "this is free, if you paid for it you got ripped off" to raise awareness. But yeah, anything more pronounced would just be obnoxious to the poor schmuck who wasted his money, and even more so to anyone else who has to deal with it. It wouldn't affect the bootleggers, the only ones who you'd actually want to inconvenience.
Yeah I don't mind stuff like that at all. I'd almost expect it, along the lines of "some dudes put hundreds of hours into a game, they can put an annoying splash screen at the beginning if they want". Gemini's ToP translation is pretty much the perfect example: a credits screen that instantly fades, then a "not for sale or rent" disclaimer that instantly fades. No buttons to press, and it's all over within three seconds. Something like that is cool; a slowly scrolling splash screen that you can't skip is not. I still think it's all pointless, but now I'm just talking about the different levels of "obnoxious" that are involved. :)
« Reply #22 on: May 17, 2008, 09:04:42 pm » |
Messages like that are applicable to maybe one-tenth of one percent of the users of your patch, an incredible annoyance to everyone else, and a pointless waste of time for both.
Still it assured me that no copy of patched ToP was sold on eBay, at least so far. That's more than enough for me, and considering the intro has also another use (tech selector), more cake for everybody.
« Reply #23 on: May 17, 2008, 09:09:25 pm » |
Depends on the intro. I have a copy of a game which a HORRIBLE UGLY INTRO that lets you use gameshark hacks. The only way to get by it is to press exit. Those intros are bad. An intro like the ones the publishers use at the start of all games? Fine. Do it and throw a cool logo on there. Helps make sure that the user patched it right too.