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Author Topic: Saga Frontier.  (Read 1 times)
« on: May 04, 2008, 09:11:58 pm »


I'm not necessarily 'new' to RHDN, as I've been lurking about for a bit, but I've only recently become 'active', I guess you could say.

So here's the situation. (And I apologize if this topic should be placed somewhere else.)

I have a little bit of skill..okay, a miniscule amount..with ROM hacking in general. I fiddled with Might and Magic III: Isles of Terra on SNES and (frankly, by a fluke) came up with a patch to fix a bug.

I've recently turned my attention to Saga Frontier--not for any particular purpose, mind you, just, at this point, to gather information. Myself and a few others have made some degree of progress, but we'd kind of like to see more folks getting in on this, if at all possible.

I have designed a website (using the term loosely, I might add) hosting that information which I've come across, and there are links there to the other 3 places I know of for in-depth information (one of which is a Japanese site, which does me little good as I read Japanese about as well as Reagan speaks Sumerian) located there, as well; the link to said page is in my signature.

At any rate, while this is by no means a popular game, if you're interested in helping out, then by all means, feel free!
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