Topic: Question about Castlevania physics (Read 1 times)
« on: May 02, 2008, 08:53:23 am » |
I need to edit Simon's physics in the original Castlevania. I need him to run faster, jump higher, and change direction mid-jump. I've seen Castlevania level editors, but nothing to edit physics. Specifically, I need him to have the physics of Mario from the original SMB, as I want to hack Mario into Castlevania. I've been told that it would probably be easier to just hack Castlevania's graphics into the Mario ROM to do this, but I still wanted to explore the possibility of putting Mario into the Castlevania ROM, and I wanted to know what to do and how hard it would be to edit Simon's physics.
« Reply #1 on: May 02, 2008, 10:47:34 am » |
If it was easy to do then someone would of done it by now, as the control in those games was very stiff. Grant has mario like mobility in Castlevania 3 tho. Besides his being able to climb walls. So I suppose if you dont wanna do the work of changing lots of physics you could look into that game.
« Reply #2 on: May 02, 2008, 11:47:16 am » |
Yes, I'd also say it would probably be easier to stick Catlevania's graphics into the Mario game of your choosing. You can't just add to the physics engine without adding more game code which is why you don't see such an option in any editor. The best you could hope to do is change the speed and jump height. Something like that is already in the existing physics engine and just modifying a few values would probably do it.
You also can't just add additional animations for actions not already there. That's why it's much easier the other way around. If you use a Mario game engine, you have the physics and all the actions you need. You just add the graphics from there. No assembly necessary.
« Reply #3 on: May 03, 2008, 07:25:29 pm » |
Well, making Simon jump higher is fairly easy. It took Thaddeus less than 5 minute to figure that out when I asked him about it several years ago. I don't remember how to do it, off the top of my head, but I have a Castlevania ROM hacked with mega-jump (and only a very minor edit at the beginning of the first level) so I'll compare it to an unhacked ROM later on and figure out which bytes you change. If I remember right, there were bytes that allowed you to easily change the height and distance of the jump. Annoyingly, if Simon jumps completely off the top of the screen, he dies.
Speed may or may not be easy to hack. Somebody hacked the main character's speed in the Gameboy CV games, but that doesn't really help you here.
As for changing direction in mid-air, I presume that would require massive assembly level hacking. And if you're wanting to make it where Simon/Mario can kill enemies by jumping on them, that'll require even more massively massive assembly hacks.
HOWEVER, there is a simpler option.... simply imbibe some of the magic mushrooms that Mario is so fond of and you could very well see Mario in Castlevania, no hacking required!
« Reply #4 on: May 04, 2008, 08:46:52 am » |
My friend hacked Castlevania adventure, I think the reason he was able to find the value is because there was a item that increased the players speed. But hackin comes natural to him also.
I think the following two games were built onto CV adventure so the speed was easy to find there also. Alsos Sonia in Legends has a move that increases her walking speed anyway.