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Author Topic: Super Mario Kart Editor - Now with US ROM Support  (Read 1 times)
« on: April 15, 2008, 05:23:35 am »

I came across this SMK editor, http://sldnoonmoon.hp.infoseek.co.jp/neo/make/index.html it’s feature rich, full AI support, automated tile laying, a Bézier Curve tool and it even fixes the CRC.   The way it compiles a new ROM each time is great, but it only supports the Japanese ROM image.  I have been working with Preserbay to add support for the US version, by supplying the equivalent offsets for the US version of the ROM.  This allows me to continue with my hack using this editor.  So please enjoy MAKE with US ROM Support http://www.dirty.plus.com/MAKE/MAKEUS0071.zip  :beer:

Below is a basic English User guide (a Japanese tutorial is hosted on his site if you need more details) I’ll write a full manual later.

Use a headerless ROM called smk.smc in the root of the program.

F11 – Save current level to Mushroom Cup Race 1 to test.smc and saves the track to stagexx.smkc (make backups! as MAKE can not extract a track from a ROM)
Rename this to the stage number required and copy to the stage folder.

Control & F11 – Saves all tracks in the folder  stage to comp.smc

Load a track - Drag stagexx.smkc in MAKE.

W   Scroll up
A/S   Scroll Left / Right
D   Scroll Down
E/D   Zoom

F1-F4 Operation Modes 1-4
<Space> Cycle sub modes

Main Modes

Mode 1 - sub 1 - Tile Selection
Mode 1 - sub 2 - Starting Grid Location
Mode 2 - sub 1 - Manual tile laying
Mode 2 - sub 2 - Bézier Curve (Awsome tool!)

   Linear Curves
   [Control + Click] Place the next control point, or move an existing point.

   Quadratic Curves
   [Click + Drag Control Point] Set the curvature.

   Connect Loop
   [R] Connect the last control point placed with the first.

   Draw Tiles
   [Middle Click] Draws the current selected.

   Delete Control Point
   [Right Click] Remove the selected control point.

   Traverse Control Points
   [F/G] Cycle through the control points.

   Delete Bézier Curve
   [Delete] Remove the Bézier Curve.

Mode 2 - sub 3 - Automated Tile Placement
Mode 2 - sub 4 - Grand Prix Mode Object Placement (Control click)

Mode 3 - Sub 1 - Area Placement (AI)
Mode 3 - Sub 2 - Destination Pointers (AI)
Mode 3 - Sub 3 - Lap Indicator

Mode 4 - sub 1 - Objects placement
Mode 4 - sub 2 - Object Visibility
Mode 4 - sub 3 - Object Behaviour
« Reply #1 on: April 15, 2008, 09:22:49 am »

Oh wow, I thought you vanished, it's good to see you're still alive! ^____^'

This is awesome for anyone who wants to hack SMK now. Thanks for the heads up brother...  :thumbsup:
« Reply #2 on: April 15, 2008, 10:13:30 am »

Full AI support, thats pretty nice.
« Reply #3 on: April 15, 2008, 10:36:31 am »

Hey Googie, you seem to have released about 30 ROM hacks since we last spoke Smiley

Out of intrest MAKE comes with a full set of new tracks written by the author in the stages folder, just load the editor with smk.smc in place and press Control F11 and play some cool F-Zero tracks and some tracks from future Mario Kart games.

I should point out that this build disables the track naming feature of the editor.
« Last Edit: April 15, 2008, 12:31:47 pm by Dirtbag »
« Reply #4 on: April 16, 2008, 02:53:14 am »

Wow, thats pretty awesome. Nice work!

Ill have to make me a Super Mario Kart hack once im done with my current projects.
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