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Author Topic: How to make PSP patches...  (Read 1 times)
« Reply #15 on: April 03, 2008, 05:31:19 pm »

Quote from: Majutsuko on April 03, 2008, 03:05:23 pm
I'm not biased towards Japanese audio, but the English voices are painfully flat and don't compare to the level of voice work in the Japanese version of TOE, so that's why I did this. The script is 100% in English now and the audio is entirely Japanese. The only downside is that the menus aren't translated (which is no big deal even if you can't read Kana (which barely takes a month for anyone to learn)).

At any rate, your original suggestion didn't work; it said:

"Error! Next available LBA position is 53 but LBA [\\PSP_GAME\\ICON1.PMF] position is 46!"

Actually the original Japanese ISO was already bigger than the translated one, so I tried importing the LBA positions from the original ISO into the translated one. That didn't work either, sadly. I just had the same kind of error but on a different file.

It could be because the two isos didn't have the same bytes, that could be the reason that makes
the lba utility to crash. It seems that to dummy the iso is your best bet, at least to match exactly the same size of the original file, after that you can realign the lba and make the ppf patch.

You must be doing something wrong,it's virtually impossible to get a patch of that size.
« Reply #16 on: April 03, 2008, 06:44:45 pm »

Quote from: Majutsuko on April 03, 2008, 03:05:23 pm
I'm not biased towards Japanese audio, but the English voices are painfully flat and don't compare to the level of voice work in the Japanese version of TOE, so that's why I did this. The script is 100% in English now and the audio is entirely Japanese. The only downside is that the menus aren't translated (which is no big deal even if you can't read Kana (which barely takes a month for anyone to learn)).

At any rate, your original suggestion didn't work; it said:

"Error! Next available LBA position is 53 but LBA [\\PSP_GAME\\ICON1.PMF] position is 46!"

Actually the original Japanese ISO was already bigger than the translated one, so I tried importing the LBA positions from the original ISO into the translated one. That didn't work either, sadly. I just had the same kind of error but on a different file.

The only thing I can suggest now is to manually adjust each LBA until the both ISOs are exactly the same size. It will probably take some time, but with enough effort you'll be able to make an LBA position file that works on both ISOs.
« Reply #17 on: April 03, 2008, 08:54:54 pm »

Quote from: byuu on April 03, 2008, 05:02:36 pm
Forget PPF. Use UPS instead.

No way, UPS isn't designed for space shifted files. As Majutsuko noted, it results in unbelievable patch sizes. I'm shocked that it was over 800MB -- that should technically be impossible.


Quote from: byuu on April 03, 2008, 05:02:36 pm
Perhaps try xdelta or bsdiff? If both of those fail, not sure. Maybe it would be best to break apart the ISO and distribute patches for each file. Perhaps with a script to apply all patches in one shot.

Okay, so this wouldn't be too bad. Although, how would I make the different files the same size? As I posted on page 1, they're slightly different. Also, I don't know how to make an executable script like that...

My hacking abilities are limited to cheat-code searching, even then I consider myself mediocre at best.

--- EDIT ---

Quote from: akadewboy on April 03, 2008, 06:44:45 pm
Quote from: Majutsuko on April 03, 2008, 03:05:23 pm
I'm not biased towards Japanese audio, but the English voices are painfully flat and don't compare to the level of voice work in the Japanese version of TOE, so that's why I did this. The script is 100% in English now and the audio is entirely Japanese. The only downside is that the menus aren't translated (which is no big deal even if you can't read Kana (which barely takes a month for anyone to learn)).

At any rate, your original suggestion didn't work; it said:

"Error! Next available LBA position is 53 but LBA [\\PSP_GAME\\ICON1.PMF] position is 46!"

Actually the original Japanese ISO was already bigger than the translated one, so I tried importing the LBA positions from the original ISO into the translated one. That didn't work either, sadly. I just had the same kind of error but on a different file.

The only thing I can suggest now is to manually adjust each LBA until the both ISOs are exactly the same size. It will probably take some time, but with enough effort you'll be able to make an LBA position file that works on both ISOs.

I don't know how to adjust LBAs exactly. Can I just do this with UMDGen? Or is there another program I can use to make this less painful?

Quote from: saito on April 03, 2008, 05:31:19 pm
Quote from: Majutsuko on April 03, 2008, 03:05:23 pm
I'm not biased towards Japanese audio, but the English voices are painfully flat and don't compare to the level of voice work in the Japanese version of TOE, so that's why I did this. The script is 100% in English now and the audio is entirely Japanese. The only downside is that the menus aren't translated (which is no big deal even if you can't read Kana (which barely takes a month for anyone to learn)).

At any rate, your original suggestion didn't work; it said:

"Error! Next available LBA position is 53 but LBA [\\PSP_GAME\\ICON1.PMF] position is 46!"

Actually the original Japanese ISO was already bigger than the translated one, so I tried importing the LBA positions from the original ISO into the translated one. That didn't work either, sadly. I just had the same kind of error but on a different file.

It could be because the two isos didn't have the same bytes, that could be the reason that makes
the lba utility to crash. It seems that to dummy the iso is your best bet, at least to match exactly the same size of the original file, after that you can realign the lba and make the ppf patch.

Dummy the entire modified ISO? Okay, I'm not exactly sure how I should do this...

So, I still don't know how I'd go about realigning the LBAs from there...
« Last Edit: April 03, 2008, 11:10:55 pm by Majutsuko »
« Reply #18 on: April 03, 2008, 10:02:04 pm »

Quote from: Majutsuko on April 03, 2008, 08:54:54 pm
Also I still don't know how I'd go about realigning the LBAs from there...
You don't need to do all that LBA mess. Just go for the painless way: xdelta.
« Reply #19 on: April 03, 2008, 11:29:28 pm »

Hmm, I tried both the installer and the exe for XP but no application window would start up. The exe might as well be for Win32. :/

So I suppose the only other way is to modify the file sizes to influence the LBAs... I'm willing to spend some time doing it, since there are barely 10 files I'd need to mess around with. Again, the main thing is I don't know how to directly influence the file sizes... If I had to make a guess though, I'd say it sounds like I'd need a hex editor to do some dummying? I've never done this, so I'm hoping this won't be too difficult.
« Reply #20 on: April 03, 2008, 11:59:55 pm »

xdelta and bsdiff are command-line applications. No application window for you Cheesy
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