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Author Topic: i need some help in sprite ripping...  (Read 1 times)
« on: March 28, 2008, 11:45:25 pm »

Hi everybody....

Well, as a sprite ripper, I'm interested from rip the graphics of the super robot wars games....

during the start of the year, I've learned to use GGD to get the sprites and i can rip almost any sprite for all the PS2 games,  i also learned to rip from the PS1 games...

the reason for i am posting here is because of all the graphics there's only one format who i cannot rip:

the PS2 alpha 2 and 3 full battle animation sprites...

in the PS2 alphas there are 2 graphic files who has the unit sprites : the eff2d.bin, who has all the map attacks, in game menu sprites and the base unit sprites...

those base sprites are used only as reference on the robot encyclopedia and menus and not all the pieces are there, meanwhile are fully rippable, they are not complete, here's the base sheet of ideon from SRW alpha 3...

then it's the wp.bin file, that file has all the backgrounds, cut-ins, special effects and the rest of the sprites for the units, including all the weapons...

the main problem is, that file is encoded of some way and all the graphics are garbled...

meanwhile you can distinguish some graphics, the encoding makes it impossible to rip properly...

the next image is from the alpha2 wp.bin it supposedly shows trowa and quattre, characters from gundam wing, those are the cut-ins used in the battle prior certain attacks...

you can see how barely you can distinguish them and all the garbage, theoretically, as in all the SRW PS2 games the right width of the sheets in GGD is 256 pixels, next is a cut-in rip of folka albark, from SRW original generations Gaiden ...

assuming banpresto used the same sprite animation technique for all the games (which is probably true) the alpha sprites should look like this, in this width format...

both games (the alphas) share the same filesystem on their discs and have the same strange encoding on their wp.bin's

I'm asking this question on a romhacking forum because as you have more skill with hex editing and that kind of things, maybe you know some method for decoding those files, and get the images...

if that's not possible, at least can i get some help to try to decode the files by myself?...

if anyone wants to try it but doesn't have the games i can send you the alpha2 wp.bin file for research (assuming this is permitted on this forum)

any help with this will be really appreciated, and credited accordingly for any future sprite rip or related SRW project...

i hope you can help me with this...
Griff Morivan
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2008, 04:11:00 pm »

I think Pixeltendo or Spriter's Resource might be more useful in this endeavorer. Granted, all I know of sprite work is bastardized 8-bit.
« Reply #2 on: March 31, 2008, 09:15:54 am »


i'm also love Super robot taisen and want to rip sprites

what is GGD?

i currently use the ps2 emulator with dxRipper
i can get the frames of SRW alpha3, but have to play the whole game
« Reply #3 on: March 31, 2008, 07:50:50 pm »

do you mean 3d ripperDX...

i tried to use it (i have installed v. 1.5b) but, maybe because i use a intel generic video card, i can't even start the game...

my emulator goes quite slow also...

only for curiosity, how the sheets / rips look Huh...

is there some tutorial / software to use the ripper with pcsx2?...
« Reply #4 on: April 01, 2008, 02:09:04 am »

the little trick is to run in full screen

i dont know how to post images

but you have the images as ideon you posted
the only problem is the colors who are not good
« Reply #5 on: April 01, 2008, 09:12:09 pm »

well, guignardo...

i tried that (used full screen) but it doesn't work also, i guess simply that my Video Card is totally negated to use the ripper ...

now then, you can use imageshack to upload the images , you will get a link list, use the thumbnail for forums 2 link (copy/paste the link AS IS) and you should get a thumbnail link like in the first post...

about the colors, does the images have the pixel garbage below the sheet like the ideon pic?...

that garbage on the sheet is actually the palette data, you can use it, theoretically if it's on the image, to get the right color palette for the sheet (it's easier to get on GGD) if there's not you can use the same unit palette from the eff2d.bin rips....

« Reply #6 on: April 02, 2008, 09:54:54 am »

look at it:

the only problem is the color who must be remaped

it work good on Alpha2 Alpha3,

not the others

certainly because Alpha2 and 3 are rendered in 3D Meshes and the others are fully 2D
« Reply #7 on: April 02, 2008, 11:15:16 am »

no prob..

use the ''thumbnail for Forums (1)'' link , that should work...

about the image format, it's 24bit color for default?  or you have changed the color depth Huh...

it should be a 256-color image, when i change back to 256 it shows a completely useless palette....

here's the shin getter-1 base sheet i ripped , use photoshop or graphics gale to see how the palette should look like

it should be possible to repaint the sheet manually as is, using this sheet and maybe a screenshot , but definitely it won't be perfect...

for a true fixing it's best to keep the sheet in his original 256-color depth (assuming of course, that's the original depth)...

And about the other games, that's not a big deal, i can rip everything from them easily, my main problem is and always was the alphas...

if you need help i can teach you to use GGD for ripping...

Oh, and better check your PM's later...
« Reply #8 on: April 03, 2008, 02:47:50 am »

nice work Smiley

how do you get the palette from the pixel under the Sprite image?
« Reply #9 on: April 03, 2008, 11:21:09 am »

you use GGD

you can download it from http://spritefun.oddigytitanium.com/

this is a little crash course to use it...

1.- run it and open the eff2d.bin

2.- adjust the width (left or right arrow) until you get a width of 256

3.- press S (datashift, the navigation speed) 2 times, you should read x size on the info window

4.- keep pressed down pgdn to navigate down the file, the unit BASE sprites are at 50 seconds aprox

5.- once you find the sheet , click the palette window

6.- press S again 2 times, you should read 64kbytes on the info window

7.- navigate down the palette until the data offset and palette offset numbers are the same

8.- if you aligned the sheet to the top of the file, change the palette shift to 256palette and search down a gradient pattern like in the example...

this is gaogaigar from alpha 2, but it's exactly the same thing on alpha 3, you can see that the gradients are arranged in a 2 gradients x line and 8 colorslots x gradient, and i know that it's not the correct colors but once we do the appropiate editing it will be perfect...

remember the palette data is below the sheet, once you get it, save the file, and edit the palette using graphics gale....

when you get to the gale part , tell me to teach you how to edit the palette...


« Reply #10 on: April 04, 2008, 07:33:55 am »

i've done all your said, but the palette is still not the good one
« Reply #11 on: April 04, 2008, 11:07:20 am »

ok, send me a screenshot of where you are on the file, what sheet are you trying to rip and what palette are you getting (like the gaogaigar one)
and i'll tell you how to proceed...

« Reply #12 on: April 04, 2008, 03:50:09 pm »

i try to get Gaogaigar like you just for check

and i succeffully get the same screen as you

i saved the image
« Reply #13 on: April 04, 2008, 05:08:10 pm »

ok, you must take into account 1 primary thing (or 2) always when you are ripping these sprites with GGD...

the main transparency color is 0,0,0 (black), if it is not, adjust or move the palette until you get the gradients right and you get a solid black color on the sheet background....

i'm going to assume you saved the image with the (A) menu option...

once you get the image open graphicsgale (download it from www.humanbalance.net/gale/us/)...

open the file and check the palette (palette in view menu)...

everything you have to do now is drag the gradient lines like the example image

drag the lines in 2 rows groups the (red rectangle), it's not necessary to touch the ones in the blue rectangles, do it with all the groups and you should get the right colors...

tell me when you' re finished....

« Reply #14 on: April 05, 2008, 07:09:05 am »

it works Smiley

i succesfully have gaogaigar in good palette

now i try with original generation gaiden and mx
it seems the palette are in 32bits not in 15bits
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