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Author Topic: Anyone want to translate what remains of that old FFX NES project?  (Read 1 times)
« on: February 29, 2008, 07:50:51 pm »

Lately, I've really been into those strange NES ports of games for more advanced systems, such as Biohazard NES, Harvest Moon NES, Final Fantasy VII NES, etc. Anyway, as some of you might know, about three years ago there was a team of people remaking Final Fantasy X in a NES style. It was apparently never finished.

Now, there are some rumors that the game was finished (I haven't found any proof), but I myself and many others simply can't find it. Despite these troubles, there is quite a lot of material still available when it comes to this dead game, such as many screen shots, some music files, and even a few Beta ROMs.

Now, I have found all of what I believe to be available of what remains of this project,short of the possibility that there is a full version out there somewhere,

I'm not sure if anyone would be willing to do this, but I want what remains to be translated, if only for some weird desire that I get all that's possible out of these files. The base language is in Japanese.

I have created a ZIP file with all of the files I could find available, and the contents come out to about 8,200 KB. I am hosting it on the site MegaUpload (there will be a link in a bit). I am not a hacker, or a translator, or whatever, so I wouldn't really be any help at all when it comes to this project. I am just a fan who wants this done.

Very little of the actual game files have any text, the majority of the work would be with the images I have compiled (There are an even fifty.) of the project.

Anyway, for anyone who is willing to do this or just wants to check out the files, the link is -


So, I guess I'll wait for your responses. Thank you very much for taking the time to read my post
« Reply #1 on: February 29, 2008, 08:55:17 pm »

I thought we've been over this. That project was not an NES hack, it was nothing but a computer game that had graphics that LOOKED like it was made for the NES.
« Reply #2 on: February 29, 2008, 09:03:44 pm »

Anyway, as some of you might know, about three years ago there was a team of people remaking Final Fantasy X in a NES style

I didn't directly call it a NES hack. I may call it that for familiarity to others and simply because of habit, I guess. I should stop, I know.
« Last Edit: February 29, 2008, 09:11:38 pm by Redlandsman87 »
« Reply #3 on: February 29, 2008, 09:47:23 pm »

I'd imagine that since the thing is fan made they just copied the script verbatim from the PS2 version. I wouldn't be surprised if those images are nothing more than concept art and not actual screenshots.
« Reply #4 on: February 29, 2008, 10:49:17 pm »

Yeah, I figure the same with the PS2 dialogue. But the thing is, is that the small bit of playtime you get in the PC demo isn't very clear on where in the game you are at. The only bit of text is that of a Vase looking item which heals HP and MP, and a message you get when you try and enter a town on the world map. (Which you can't enter). I don't have any idea where in the game it's supposed to take place, thus I can't very easily just check a text-dump of the original.
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