Before I go on, I must stress, you need the European version of this rom if you want to be any help.
As I'm sure some of you know, I've been vaguely working on a map editor for Oracle of Ages (not seasons just yet, one step at a time

Right. Thanks to Jigglysaint, I know a lot more about, well, everything in Oracle of Ages. However, I don't have all the time in the world, so I thought I'd ask the community to maybe give me a hand here.
See, I've been having troubles with editing maps. Some maps, they work fine, brilliantly in fact, this one came out how i wanted it too:

I was testing out what a couple of different values were, that's why there's a waterfall right there. Anyway, that map is just a quick hack of the map that's one screen up from where you start the game. The offset for that map is 0x79DD8 - 0x79E28. Feel free to play around with that if you don't feel like helping. But the screen that bugged me, was the one below this one, where you start the game.
Now sure, that might look okay. But the thing is, it turned out nothing like I expected. If you look at the tiles across the bottom, they don't appear to be very well organised. That's because I was testing this map, and found that when I changed one value from 3A (or something) to 11, it changed several tiles. Now I'm sure if I wasn't busy looking at other areas of the rom, this wouldn't be that big a puzzle. But I am. So if any of you guys feel like taking a look around, the offset for that screen is 0x7A205 - 0x7A249. I'm not sure if there's any more information about the screen a couple of bytes before that (i.e. tilesets, weather), so if anyone has the time investigate that too.
So yeah. That's my proposal. Any help at all, and I'll shove you in the credits somewhere. If you can't do anything, link a friend to this thread. Thanks. 8D
Aaand, at least post something if you played around with it. Don't just play with it and not report back D: screenshots preferred.