There is an image that we would like in english that I believes translates to...
"The Apostles of the Seals". The image needs to be no more than 80 pixels wide by 16 pixels high...
I know, right.

Well...This is the best I could do with my limited skills and this was done with a utility
I wrote that read a text script file and translated it into pixel data...
For those who are curious....
; When dumping image to a file ;
.dump.width = 80
.dump.height = 16
.fontfile = 5x8vwf.1bp
.tblfile = myASCII.tbl
.font.width = 8
.font.height = 8
.font.bpp = 1
.defaultcharwidth = 4
The Apostles of
the Seals
; When dumping image to a file ;
.dump.width = 80
.dump.height = 16
.fontfile = 5x8vwf.1bp
.tblfile = myASCII.tbl
.font.width = 8
.font.height = 8
.font.bpp = 1
.defaultcharwidth = 4
The Apostles of
the Seals
And this is the image I got...

So if anyone feels they can help the cause, please let either Draken or myself know. Thanks!