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Author Topic: I am new and need some help.  (Read 1 times)
« on: February 22, 2008, 03:49:07 pm »

I am immensely new to all of this but loving it. I was up all last night reading any info I could get my hands on. It's like crack. Smiley Now to my problem, I downloaded Search Relative 2, but it won't run. Every time I try it flashes a quick black screen that says "Unable to open" various numbers and letters ( I assume indicating screen size) and then "screen". I know this is something simple and I am a dork for not knowing how to fix it, but as I said before I am IMMENSELY new. So if anyone can help that would be awesome.
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2008, 04:13:38 pm »

Can you find the graphics. You probably won't need a search relative.
« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2008, 04:34:18 pm »

This isn't for a specific project. I'm not knowledgeable enough for that yet. I am just trying to learn the basics of it all so I need the program. Plus, when I do need one I would really love to have it on hand. I'm just trying to learn by baby steps. I first learned binary and hexadecimal, then hacking graphics and now I'm on to text editing. Sad I know, but I'm learning. Thanks for replying though.
« Reply #3 on: February 22, 2008, 05:42:33 pm »

I don't quite remember what Search Relative 2 is but I'm presuming it's a relative searcher. If that's the case, you don't need it. Just use the relative search feature of Translhextion, as it's much better.
« Reply #4 on: February 22, 2008, 06:23:09 pm »

Thank you, I am downloading it right now. Seeing as I have no internet and my awesome friend from across the street is gracious enough to share his wireless, my signal strength is impossibly low. So this should take hours. ::sigh:: I have a short shift today... maybe it'll be done by the time I get out of work. Wink Thanks for the info again and I'll post if it worked or not. If it works I'll love you forever, if not... ::deep sigh:: my computer may not survive the night.
« Reply #5 on: February 22, 2008, 06:26:04 pm »

For the record, Translhextion isn't the best hex editor available (that would probably be Windhex) but it will suffice for learning the basics and the relative search feature is the best currently available.
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