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Author Topic: REQ: Cotton PS1 by R.I.P. Translations  (Read 1 times)
Spinner 8
« on: February 21, 2008, 07:38:17 pm »

Back in December 2000, Reiginsei released a full translation of Cotton: Fantastic Night Dreams (aka Cotton Original) for Playstation. Unfortunately, because he released it as a full ISO file (granted, a 3MB ISO file, but an ISO nonetheless), none of the translation archives carried it, and I fear that the original release has become lost in the mists of Internet Time.

Does anyone still have the original distribution of Cotton: Fantastic Night Dreams, complete with the full ISO and the readme? I'd very much like to have it.

You can either reply here or email me at spinner_8@parodius.com. Thanks!
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2008, 10:08:20 pm »

I've eventually found a prepatched ISO on some forum filled with rapidshare, etc. links,
(this forum promises much SNES stuff and delivers almost none  Tongue, and I suppose that is all the hint I can give)
as well as the Japanese versions, both the original and the Superlite 1500 (or whatever the Simple Series version was called) rerelease (has a different title screen, at least).
I tried making a Ninja patch (as I believe that is the only one that can do a directory patch).
I can't make a PPF patch, as the prepatched and original release ISOs differ slightly in file size (even after I remove the readme R.I.P. stuck in the ISO, which I planned to include outside the ISO).
So, anybody know how to make an ISO out of a directory, so I can test the patch (we still taking RUP?)
« Last Edit: February 21, 2008, 10:15:01 pm by KingMike »
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2008, 10:20:35 pm »

Quote from: KingMike on February 21, 2008, 10:08:20 pm
(we still taking RUP?)

Yes. We've got something like 4 patches total.  Undecided\
« Reply #3 on: February 21, 2008, 10:24:04 pm »

Quote from: KingMike on February 21, 2008, 10:08:20 pm
I can't make a PPF patch, as the prepatched and original release ISOs differ slightly in file size (even after I remove the readme R.I.P. stuck in the ISO, which I planned to include outside the ISO).
Use xdelta instead. Works far better than PPF.
Spinner 8
« Reply #4 on: February 21, 2008, 11:03:58 pm »

Thanks KingMike, but I can get the translated and original ISOs fine. The problem is I can't find the original distribution package anymore, the way it was on Reiginsei's site, and that's what I'm looking for.

I appreciate the help, though. :)
« Reply #5 on: February 21, 2008, 11:20:26 pm »

I thought he just zipped up the bin and cue and put it on his website. The readme was inside CD. At least that's what I remember: http://web.archive.org/web/20010312011653/riptrans.emuviews.com/cotton.htm
Spinner 8
« Reply #6 on: February 22, 2008, 12:06:27 am »

That may be, but I would still like to have the original file to be sure.

Does anyone have it?
« Reply #7 on: February 24, 2008, 09:57:57 am »

I know I have it, but the problem is I don't know where the disc I put all the files onto is.  I'll try and locate it.
Spinner 8
« Reply #8 on: February 25, 2008, 05:53:46 pm »

Awesome! Keep me informed. :D
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