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Author Topic: Anyone Interested in Doing "SMB Special" for NES?  (Read 2 times)
« Reply #510 on: February 23, 2009, 09:51:25 pm »

I think 7zip or WinZip should. Perhaps I should do the release as a zip file instead. Athough it seems like pretty much any archiver will handle tar files. On the other tentacle, newer versions of windows have zip support bult in. Hmm.


Ok, I've made the third beta release. This one incorporates a level data bugfix by frantic. There are both tar and zip releases here

Re: Bitch In The Red Dress

I looked into the music bug in 2-1, but I wasn't able to reproduce it.  What emulator are you using?

« Last Edit: February 24, 2009, 07:54:32 am by Karatorian »
Bitch In The Red Dress
« Reply #511 on: February 24, 2009, 10:18:24 am »

I was running the game in FCE Ultra GX 2.09 on the Wii. I haven't been able to reproduce the bug either though. I don't really know what was going on there the first time.
« Reply #512 on: February 28, 2009, 06:00:25 am »

Hi, i tried this on the power pak and it worked fine, but when i put it on a cart i got scrambled graphics.  any idea why?  btw, the chr file was expanded to 64 kb, but this usually doesnt affect the graphics.
« Reply #513 on: February 28, 2009, 06:26:34 pm »

what kind of kart did you try?  we expanded the game so you have to use a kart with the right kind of mapper.. karatorian mentioned which one a few posts ago i think
« Reply #514 on: February 28, 2009, 06:52:32 pm »

Quote from: Bitch In The Red Dress on February 24, 2009, 10:18:24 am
I was running the game in FCE Ultra GX 2.09 on the Wii. I haven't been able to reproduce the bug either though. I don't really know what was going on there the first time.

Hmm, cosmic rays? Well, unless anyone can reproduce the bug, I'm gonna ignore it. I can't debug it otherwise.

Quote from: coinheaven on February 28, 2009, 06:00:25 am
Hi, i tried this on the power pak and it worked fine, but when i put it on a cart i got scrambled graphics.  any idea why?  btw, the chr file was expanded to 64 kb, but this usually doesnt affect the graphics.

Thanks a bunch for testing it. It appears to be a bug in my mapper code. During my experients (since put on hold) with adding new enemies, I expaned the CHR rom to four (4K) banks, the first three where the sprites and the last one was the objects. So my mapper initalization routine loaded banks 0 and 3. When I backed out the new enemies changes, I forgot to change this, so it's still trying to load bank 3, even though there are only banks 0 and 1 now. Apparently, emulators don't care and simply load the last bank when given too high a bank number or something.

Apply this patch to the already patched ROM and let me know if it fixes it. If it does, I'll make a new release. Thanks again.
« Reply #515 on: February 28, 2009, 10:09:01 pm »

Quote from: Karatorian on February 28, 2009, 06:52:32 pm
So my mapper initalization routine loaded banks 0 and 3. When I backed out the new enemies changes, I forgot to change this, so it's still trying to load bank 3, even though there are only banks 0 and 1 now. Apparently, emulators don't care and simply load the last bank when given too high a bank number or something.

Typically they'll mask the selected bank with (number_of_banks-1) since that represents the number of "valid" bits.  This is the behavior seen on hardware too, provided you have the right chip size.

I'm wagering the problem was caused by his chip being too big, and him not mirroring the CHR data like he probably should've.  If you put 8K of CHR on a 16K chip, the second 8K will be garbage... but if you put 8K of CHR on an 8K chip, the 'virtual' 2nd 8K will be a mirror of the first 8K.
« Reply #516 on: March 01, 2009, 12:29:54 am »

update, i applied the patch and tried it again, still the same result:

« Last Edit: March 01, 2009, 02:10:31 pm by coinheaven »
« Reply #517 on: March 01, 2009, 08:13:48 pm »

the graphics look fine, it's the way the level header info is interpreted that looks messed up to me.  i modified the header and got the same results.. though mario is at the top of the screen on your copy

« Last Edit: March 01, 2009, 08:20:59 pm by frantik »
« Reply #518 on: March 05, 2009, 01:47:50 am »

Frantik, what change to the header did you make to get that result? Just out of curiosity. When I fixed the bug with the mapper, I made sure to review my header and everything looks right to me. I'm just wondering what sort of error choinheaven is running into. AFAIK, he's the only one testing on actuall hardware, so it'd be nice to help him straighten this out.
« Reply #519 on: March 05, 2009, 04:37:10 am »

i edited the world 1 level header, not the NES header.  i can send you the rom if you want, but i dont think thats what you mean

it could be any number of reasons why it's loading like that though probably :\\ it seems like SMB is tolerant towards stuff being slightly modified and the game still working, just certain things look messed up

coinheaven are you able to play the game?
« Reply #520 on: March 07, 2009, 09:46:53 am »

i did test this again, just to make sure it wasnt the board and still got the same results.  i can start level 1, but it wont let me move mario at all.  i can press start and pause it though, and the music is there as well.  i am pretty sure i patched the mapper fix ok, but i think someone should send me a 32k chr file, then i will know it is correct.  it shouldnt have anything to do with me expanding the rom, i have done this many times and never had a problem.  what i might do is put the 32k chr file and 128 prg file back together in a .nes file to see how it runs. 

Quote from: frantik on March 05, 2009, 04:37:10 am
i edited the world 1 level header, not the NES header.  i can send you the rom if you want, but i dont think thats what you mean

it could be any number of reasons why it's loading like that though probably :\\ it seems like SMB is tolerant towards stuff being slightly modified and the game still working, just certain things look messed up

coinheaven are you able to play the game?
« Reply #521 on: March 08, 2009, 06:04:00 am »

From what you describe, I suspect you would be able to play the game if mario could fall lower.  The game prevents you from controlling mario at level start until mario falls below a certain height.  The height mario starts the level at is also defined in the level header.. everything displayed on the titlescreen points to a level header read error.  it's very strange it works fine in emus AND the powerpak, but not a an actual dev cart Sad
« Reply #522 on: March 08, 2009, 03:10:38 pm »

I seen a posting about this on the main page. I'm glad to see the hack is back on track. Keep up the good work guys.
« Reply #523 on: March 10, 2009, 11:40:11 am »

coinheaven, does the cart you're testing on have SRAM and if so, how much. For complex technical reasons, the cart needs 8k of SRAM to load the level data to. While we don't use it for anything other than extra ram (i.e. we don't actually use it for game saves), it would be sure to not work without it.

Come to think of it, how common are MMC1 carts with at least 4 banks of PRG and 8k of SRAM? At the time, I didn't really worry about this issue as I've done all my work on emulators (my NES hardly works, so I haven't bothered getting/building any flash carts). I mean, I've got one (not flash modded), but it's an original Final Fantasy, I wouldn't want anyone to use one of those for a doner cart.

I suppose I should put exactly what is required of the cart in the README, although, IIRC, it's all in the header anyway.
« Reply #524 on: March 10, 2009, 12:03:08 pm »

it works perfect now!!  i use a board from al unser racing, which as 8k sram and it works fine now.  thanks for the help!

« Last Edit: March 10, 2009, 07:11:21 pm by coinheaven »
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