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Author Topic: Front Mission 5 noob asking for help...  (Read 1 times)
« on: January 25, 2008, 12:30:03 pm »

Hi all !
Since I‘m new in Romhacking I have lots of question involving translations in this case. I’m complete laic and I don’t know how to start. I’ve read all the information from “Getting Started” but stall it’s like throwing rocks… As I wrote in subject, translation I’m planning to make regards Front Mission 5. I’ve already seen some work done and I want to make my own translation which is in my native language. In order to do that I need to understand how to unpack text from the game - Japanese text. I’ll show step by step what I’ve done so far:

- First I’ve made .iso file of the game.

- After that I unpacked all the files using MungeExplorer:

- Then I extracted all the files from DVDIMAGE.DAT wich gave me over 10.000 files! Shocked
   I understand that all these files contain text information.

- I used Hex editor, in this case it was MadEdit-0.2.8 and Hex Workshop to modify the text.

My question is how to make text which is displayed on the right readable ? Text is in Japanese. Does MadEdit required any plug-in or something ? Help any one because I can’t understand it :banghead:
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2008, 02:06:49 pm »

Just so you know, there's already someone working on this. Check out the Personal Projects section.
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2008, 02:12:43 pm »

He knows, he even posted bug reports there. He wants to translate it into another non-English language.

Pete: Why don't you ask the guys which do the current translation? They'll surely know the details about this game's text.
« Reply #3 on: January 25, 2008, 03:04:58 pm »

Like KaioShin said I already know about the project Wink. The problem is I want to translate it to another language. I’m not sure if I should bother them because I know that they have lot of work already. But what the hell couple tips shouldn’t take to much time Roll Eyes. Ok. Another questions:
- I tried to change using HexEditor the patch for the game, replacing some English words with others. First I’ve made the new .iso file from original Japanese game and then tried to modify them. Of course it didn’t work. :banghead:
« Reply #4 on: January 26, 2008, 01:12:24 am »

in what language do you want to translate fm5?
Kitsune Sniper
« Reply #5 on: January 26, 2008, 02:44:01 am »

Quote from: Pete081085 on January 25, 2008, 03:04:58 pm
Like KaioShin said I already know about the project Wink. The problem is I want to translate it to another language. I’m not sure if I should bother them because I know that they have lot of work already. But what the hell couple tips shouldn’t take to much time Roll Eyes. Ok. Another questions:
- I tried to change using HexEditor the patch for the game, replacing some English words with others. First I’ve made the new .iso file from original Japanese game and then tried to modify them. Of course it didn’t work. :banghead:

It's much easier if you go to them and ask them for help. They could have some tools ready which would make things a lot easier.
« Reply #6 on: January 26, 2008, 09:42:09 am »

Quote from: AK_ on January 26, 2008, 01:12:24 am
in what language do you want to translate fm5?

Thank you for your answer.
I'm trying to translate it into Polish, but without Polish characters. In order to do that i need to know where the names of enemy units are stored, (i know that it's not in SLPM_662.05 although i found that there are menus text there) and you have to tell me how you manage to find Japanese text within these files. Do you have any kind of unpacker that only unpack text ??
Ok. i have found enemy unit names, by editing whole ISO. Still i need help with Japanese words...
« Last Edit: January 26, 2008, 09:53:24 am by Pete081085 »
« Reply #7 on: January 26, 2008, 10:02:29 am »

problem with displaying Japanese text in MadEdit?
« Reply #8 on: January 26, 2008, 10:48:09 am »

Yes. Not only in mad edit any hex...
And tell me where can i find enemys names coz i found them by scanning .ISO problem is that i cant replace them. Wich file contain them ??
« Reply #9 on: January 26, 2008, 11:09:59 am »

for Japanese text try
control panel, regional settings, languages, Asian language support, ok
madedit, open needed file, view, encoding, all encodings, shift-jis

after it, display and search Japanese words must be available

pilots name in mungos file4 (if use lastest mungos its name maybe file3, because its counting from 0)

usefull romhaking document if you will need "pointers":
« Reply #10 on: January 27, 2008, 05:19:02 pm »

Sorry for answering so late.
I did as you tell me and it worked. Thank you again for your help. :thumbsup:
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