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Author Topic: Shin Momotaro Densetsu  (Read 1 times)
« on: January 21, 2008, 01:10:57 pm »

Anybody able to help identify the kanji?
Each character has two parts. The first is an outline, probably used for intro and/or battle text.
The second is the actual character.
There might be a couple blocks I haven't properly decoded (I know one of the blocks that didn't dump correctly was the kana, but I can identify those. Cheesy).

Thanks for any help.
Thanks BRP for the first 256. Smiley

I've used radical lookup and Global IME to fill in most of the remainder of the table.
Could use some help with the last ones.
« Last Edit: February 01, 2008, 12:54:13 am by KingMike »
« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2008, 08:44:20 am »

Here are some of them.

桃太郎金 浦島寝雪
夜叉姫雷 風神毒強
東西南北 対体力心
段両話術 道具調装

備命令素 母乱針族
好安臣衙 軌然校徒
(?)妹限休 巣竿背絶
草級息祖 親奴晩読

大王技松 竹梅麻人
気度上下 刀割小霞
銀次吉犬 何制総揮
演囗宏原 画居孝幸

楽関之監 督哲美藤
康傅丈夫 鳥特念勝
社男市匹 巻富止等
賞商色今 集宝情第

一三九千 面弦待満
子山女木 天牛不火
水文月白 乏世氷台
主切生衣 地虫死血

吸多呑耳 伊伏毎旬
如沙貝赤 邪坊吹吽
見尾身魔 受車父乙
昔来化舟 欲兄弟顔

岩門青虎 狗卒阿知
狐怪臥苦 河雨波刹
勇食首炭 海逆茨界
蛯飛是鬼 剛馬竜粉

酒殺狼骨 害翁黄漁
黒貧異悪 蛇婆魚般
葉象無童 嵐(極?)喜悲
機式菩薩 枯終値決
« Last Edit: January 22, 2008, 06:16:57 pm by BRPXQZME »
« Reply #2 on: January 22, 2008, 01:43:45 pm »


You can try to use the Japanese IME. It's really easy to use. Use the handwriting function and you will be able to find all your kanjis.

« Reply #3 on: January 23, 2008, 05:44:33 pm »

Thanks, I'll have to try that later. (working on figuring out the script format. It's compressed in a way I haven't seen before, but I think I've got the code figured out.
Hopefully, just decompressing it is enough and I can make the game use decompressed text.

Here's the idea in pseudo C code:
unsigned char check_byte;
unsigned byte oldX = 0;
boolean read_bit = read_bit_from_rom;
if (read_bit = 0)
   newX = readDecryptionTable1[ oldX ];
   check_byte= readCheckTable1[ high_5_bits_of_oldX ] >> 7-(low_3_bits_of_oldX);
   newX = readDecryptionTable2[ oldX ];
   check_byte= readCheckTable2[ high_5_bits_of_oldX ] >> 7-(low_3_bits_of_oldX);
oldX = newX;
if check_byte != 0, check next bit and repeat loop
else use newX in script
Is this Huffman? Given that it loads one bit at a time, and keeps repeating until it gets a 0, not to mention that it reads a different set of tables depending on the bit read, sounds kinda like it.
« Reply #4 on: January 29, 2008, 12:15:02 am »

I've almost finished the table, just a couple dozen that I couldn't wager a guess on (hopefully won't be too many errors, but I'd hope they could be fixed if any potential translator ever comes). Smiley
I'd really appreciate it if anybody can identify these.
« Last Edit: February 01, 2008, 12:52:55 am by KingMike »
Reaper Man
« Reply #5 on: February 24, 2008, 09:46:26 pm »

Ninja Kung-Fu Man!
« Reply #6 on: February 24, 2008, 11:11:26 pm »


You know, for all the kanji they put in there, they could have afforded a few more pixels.
« Reply #7 on: February 25, 2008, 12:47:25 am »

Thanks alot.

I'm guessing the limited pixels is because they slap an outline character around them in the intro and battle scenes.
« Reply #8 on: February 25, 2008, 08:12:17 am »

Quote from: KingMike on January 23, 2008, 05:44:33 pm
Thanks, I'll have to try that later. (working on figuring out the script format. It's compressed in a way I haven't seen before, but I think I've got the code figured out.
Hopefully, just decompressing it is enough and I can make the game use decompressed text.

Here's the idea in pseudo C code:
unsigned char check_byte;
unsigned byte oldX = 0;
boolean read_bit = read_bit_from_rom;
if (read_bit = 0)
   newX = readDecryptionTable1[ oldX ];
   check_byte= readCheckTable1[ high_5_bits_of_oldX ] >> 7-(low_3_bits_of_oldX);
   newX = readDecryptionTable2[ oldX ];
   check_byte= readCheckTable2[ high_5_bits_of_oldX ] >> 7-(low_3_bits_of_oldX);
oldX = newX;
if check_byte != 0, check next bit and repeat loop
else use newX in script
Is this Huffman? Given that it loads one bit at a time, and keeps repeating until it gets a 0, not to mention that it reads a different set of tables depending on the bit read, sounds kinda like it.

Have you figured out if it was huffman yet? It looks like it. Mind If I Have a look at the asm log? Are you considering re-compressing use the same scheme?
« Reply #9 on: February 25, 2008, 09:10:14 am »

It probably was, and I did succesfully decompress the script. I was able to make the game load an uncompressed version (at least the block I tested it with).
(I think I posted a shot of some changed text in the screenshots thread).
« Reply #10 on: February 25, 2008, 10:42:51 am »

Quote from: KingMike on February 25, 2008, 09:10:14 am
It probably was, and I did succesfully decompress the script. I was able to make the game load an uncompressed version (at least the block I tested it with).
(I think I posted a shot of some changed text in the screenshots thread).

  ARGH! Compression is ourfriend! Smiley You, GZ and a few others LOVE loading uncompressed scripts.
I hated myself for doing that in JustBreed. I wish I would have kept the compression active... Sad
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