Topic: Custom Robo GX Translation; Square 1 (Read 1 times)
« on: January 20, 2008, 07:35:28 pm » |
I am looking to start translating Custom Robo GX (mainly because no one else has), but I really have no idea where to begin. Bear in mind that as you are reading this, I am probably going through this entire site, looking for any kind of general documentation that might help. If you are willing to oblige, any information that you have, including help with the multitude of hacking programs out there, would be greatly appreciated. I am not looking for someone to do a translation patch for me... I am looking to do one myself, and simply have no real place to start from. I understand that most hacks are done by pure luck, but at least you here have the basic knowledge of where to start! Please! Help a newbie out EDIT: I have indeed gone through all the documentation regarding what I'm trying to accomplish, and have downloaded some of the software found in the Help section. What I would like now is to hear from some of you who have experience with GBA translations... what else I might need, where/how I should start, etc., ad infinitum...
I need a little coaching for this to turn out at all. I'm looking for a hand up, not a handout!
« Last Edit: January 20, 2008, 10:37:39 pm by darkharted »
« Reply #1 on: January 20, 2008, 08:05:24 pm » |
It's not luck. It's skill and practice.
Here's a mantra of mine that's been paraphrased numerous times for the sake of newbies like you: With a metric buttload of time, effort and cursing, anything is possible. If you know what you're doing, it takes a lot less.
You've chosen a GBA project, which is both good and bad.
The Good: Most game systems - notably the NES, SNES and Game Boy - can't access the entire ROM at once. Instead, they cheat by using "bank swapping", whereby the ROM data is split into numbered chunks that can be accessed one-at-a-time. This is murder for translation efforts because in many cases a game expects its script data (among other things) to be in one specific chunk, forcing would-be translators to either 1. butcher their translated script to fit or 2. hack the living daylights out of the game so they can split their script across multiple banks. This is not the case with the GBA, which can access the entirety of the ROM image in one gulp.
The Bad: On the upside, the NES, SNES and Game Boy have all been exhaustively documented, and there are literally mountains of tools and utilities for these favored platforms. The GBA, on the other hand, is not even a decade old, making issues of emulation and translation hacking a bit fuzzier: while it's hardly uncharted territory, information and utilities meant specifically for GBA titles are a little harder to come by. The only major compiler for GBA ASM code, Goldroad, is a piece of garbage, and the best emulator with debugging functionality is no$gba, which costs $15 (but can also emulate DS games).
I would direct you to the links on the left, but it seems you've already gone there: a good start for a newbie.
« Reply #2 on: January 20, 2008, 10:45:41 pm » |
Thanks, I think... that about sums up the gravity of what I'm up against, the difficulty of this particular "opponent". Gawd, all I need are a few tables and some pointers on tracking down the script for the game, and I'll be set to go with the easy part: translating the Japanese script to English! How tricky; to know what you need to find, having no idea how to go about finding it!  \ P.S. - I know I have to make the tables myself...
« Reply #3 on: January 20, 2008, 11:30:43 pm » |
I took a look at that game awhile back and iirc it used SJIS and normal gba pointers so it shouldn't be 'that' hard except for if you want to make it polished and professional looking as iirc it used a 16x16 font and didn't allow for much text in the menues.
« Reply #4 on: January 21, 2008, 12:23:37 am » |
You're giving me info I need... thanks! I've got a funny feeling that once I get into the meat of it all, I'm either going to have to smash things really tight, or make some sort of graphic for the menu items instead of using text.
Q: What's IIRC?
« Reply #5 on: January 21, 2008, 12:25:54 am » |
An acronym for "if I recall".
« Reply #6 on: January 21, 2008, 12:34:33 am » |
An acronym for "if I recall correctly".
« Reply #7 on: January 21, 2008, 01:16:31 am » |
Thanks, I think... that about sums up the gravity of what I'm up against, the difficulty of this particular "opponent". Gawd, all I need are a few tables and some pointers on tracking down the script for the game, and I'll be set to go with the easy part: translating the Japanese script to English! How tricky; to know what you need to find, having no idea how to go about finding it!  \ P.S. - I know I have to make the tables myself... Ironically, you've just about got it nailed there. Getting the script done is probably the easiest part of the project. XD All you need is someone who speaks English and Japanese and you're good to go. Mind you, it's a bonus if the person in question is actually good at both languages, and happens to be a decent writer to boot. (That last part's important. You'll never hear people claim that a great work of literature is "accurate".) You'll probably need to delve a bit into ASM hacking to produce a professional-looking result. The game's print routine is an obvious potential offender: most Japanese games are set up to print big block characters of the 16x16 variety, which works nicely when you're printing kana and kanji, but not so well when you're printing lengthy English words written with the Roman alphabet. You can usually fix this on-the-cheap, changing it to a fixed-width 8x16 font with a handful of spotwelds. Or you can do things the extra-fancy way, and opt for a full-blown proportional font (or "VWF", "variable-width font", in romhacker parlance). This requires enough knowledge of ASM programming and the target hardware to write a brand-new print routine that shifts and combines character tiles to print proportional characters like the ones you're looking at on your screen right now. It's not the most difficult thing you could attempt with ASM, but it requires a decent amount of knowhow to pull off. If you have any further questions, try asking KaioShin. He's putting the finishing touches on a fan translation of Dragon Quest Monsters: Caravan Heart as we speak. ^_^ EDIT: Though if the game uses SJIS encoding, there's a chance you won't need to do any work at all on the print routine. The first 128 characters of Shift-JIS are pretty much identical to ASCII: once you've found the text, try replacing a string with ASCII characters and see how it prints in-game.
« Reply #8 on: January 21, 2008, 04:55:39 am » |
Gawd, all I need are a few tables and some pointers on tracking down the script for the game, and I'll be set to go with the easy part: translating the Japanese script to English!
Does that mean you can do the actual translation yourself? If that's the case I might be willing to take over the hacking for you and you'd only have to do the translating.
« Reply #9 on: January 21, 2008, 08:58:27 pm » |
Right now, this is a multipurpose quest. I wish to learn how to hack games, simply because I've seen much good come from those who can. I wish to learn Japanese, simply because I chose not to in the past, and I want to make up for that mistake. I want to hack this game, with as much or as little help as necessary, because I enjoy the series. I've played the 2 US released games, so I'm familiar with the subject matter. It saddens me that, by default, the public missed out on 3 games in the series, all of which are hard to track down as imports, and near useless if you do not have a working knowledge of Japanese. When you get right down to it, I am a gamer that wishes to give back something useful to the gaming world, and one way or another, I will learn something from this endeavor: either how to successfully hack the game, translate the script to English, or both. This is meant to be a bumpy road, any anyone willing to take up some of the slack is more than welcome to. If any are willing to find the script for me, fine. If any are willing to teach me how to find the script myself, better. I wish to work on the translating the script... any help may be appreciated 
« Reply #10 on: January 22, 2008, 11:22:33 am » |
Ok that's cool. Although I personally doubt learning romhacking AND Japanese at the same time is doomed to failure from the start. Both are long commitments on their own.
There aren't a lot of GBA specific things to know, the normal documents apply. Pointers on the GBA start with 08 and are in reversed order, so if you have data in the ROM at position 123456 then the pointer you'd need to search for would be 56341208. Get the GBAtek documentation for all you need to know about the GBA hardware. That should be all you need to know what might not be covered in the general documents.
joshua s
« Reply #11 on: January 22, 2008, 07:30:39 pm » |
Have fun learning Japanese. I dislike it very much at the moment. Of course that may have something to do with me having a test on it tomorrow....
« Reply #12 on: January 23, 2008, 06:09:38 pm » |
Hey, don't get me wrong; if you truly wish to help me out, by all means, go right ahead.
Kaio: if you're really up to just leaving me with the translating while you do the really hard stuff, that'll be fine... but would you be willing to at least tell me what you did and how you went about doing it? I think that, along with all the prerequisite document scouring, will be the only way I learn anything right now.
One day, I would like to go about a translation hack all by myself; maybe this particular outing (being my first) isn't the best time to try to do both at once...
Q: If I were to hack/translate/edit the graphic menus and the title screen in the game, would you be able to implement that information if I just sent you image files (*.PNG), i.e. screenshot of graphic menu --> edited/translated graphic menu.PNG?
« Last Edit: January 23, 2008, 06:19:59 pm by darkharted »
« Reply #13 on: January 23, 2008, 06:46:43 pm » |
Well, I'll be frank. The offer was before I knew you were only about to start learning Japanese. If you are just starting, the odds that you quit halfways are like 20:1 against you. And in that case all hacking work would be pretty much wasted. If you got some Japanese knowledge under your belt you can ask me again and I'll gladly reconsider.
If you don't mind starting slowly, there is nothing really speaking against learning the hacking part yourself too. Making a table and dumping a script with something like Romjuice aren't that difficult to get into.
« Reply #14 on: January 23, 2008, 11:59:17 pm » |
Well... that sucks. Spent the last two hours translating a menu screen, which was fun but easy.
Wish I had something else to translate now... like the rest of it.