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Author Topic: Mother 3  (Read 2 times)
« Reply #75 on: January 09, 2008, 01:04:50 pm »


I challenge you to come up with 5 issues in the entire history of the site that I've made a decision on without input or vote from staff, or input from the community. The 3800 posts in Staff Discussion and 5239 in Site Talk show me something entirely different. Even if you could come up with 5, which I really don't think you can, that's probably less than 1% of the total decisions made here. And you can't count decisions related to site code or server related items because I am directly in charge of those and nobody can help with that anyway.

Are we here to talk about Mother 3 or are we here to get into detail on how the site and the decision making process works in which I assure you I can pull enough information and evidence on to the contrary.

Perhaps if you had done more than literally 5 things in all of 2007 according to the logs and actually regularly participated in all of what is going on around here with staff in the past 2 years, you'd feel differently. Any staff that regularly participate care to comment? Kaioshin had this to say just yesterday. (Reference the mother 3 topic on the moderators board)

this is the very first time I can remember that Nightcrawler decided such a thing from the get-go without any discussions or opinion gathering from staff.

That's quite a contrast to what you're saying.
« Last Edit: January 09, 2008, 01:10:33 pm by Nightcrawler »
« Reply #76 on: January 09, 2008, 01:14:14 pm »

I can't see how this is any different than the 0-day pokemon translations we've ignored since forever except that this time the game is popular with adults and the people lobying for inclusion are doing so in comprehendable english. I also can't see why this discussion is still going on. Tomato said like 2 pages ago that he didn't care. If he doesn't care and he's working on the translation, why does anyone else here care? As he said, if you want news on the translation, go to his site or any of the other sites that care to cover it. Is there anyone else who would like to beat a dead horse or can we move on to other threads about things that haven't been talked to death?
« Reply #77 on: January 09, 2008, 01:16:12 pm »


Respond to this from Mother3.org. Is this true? What has differed between the time that was written and today.

As such, I’d like to announce that myself(jeffman), Doctor Fedora (glescoe), and sblur are teaming up with the Starmen.Net Devotion Team – reidman, Gideon of Aeon Genesis, demi of Neo Demiforce, and Tomato – for one awesome collaboration. There will be one patch in the end from this unified team.

And definitely respond to this because you wrote it.

After the announcement, harmony, being the awesome and upstanding guy he is, contacted Gideon and gave him all his hacking code with his blessing, which as you can tell from current pics, was really well-done and awesome. So we had lots of code already, sweet.

Since their team had changed drastically (for the better) in the last year, and because both teams were barely moving along, we decided to merge our groups, sans any drama-type people.

Most everything else after that you can read about in this blog. Shortly after the merge, things slowed down enough for me that I was able to zip through the script and got the first draft done. sblur, byuu, and Jeffman worked really hard getting some excellent tools and hacks completed.

Is this true? Does this still stand today? It seems quit clear based on these passages that not only did you use the work from the original team, you also imported members from the original team. Is there any misunderstanding on this? Define specifically 'drama-type people' by name please.

There were three translations? Yours, harmony's, and the original?
Who started the original?
Who's work are you using that isn't yours?

I will be willing to reconsider if all the facts are laid out here and a misunderstanding has been made on my part.

And byuu confers that never before now have I ever made decision for this site of relevance without input and full consideration from staff at the very least. j/k I don't actually require that, but it would be nice.
« Reply #78 on: January 09, 2008, 01:27:13 pm »

Quote from: Nightcrawler on January 09, 2008, 01:04:50 pm

I challenge you to come up with 5 issues in the entire history of the site that I've made a decision on without input or vote from staff, or input from the community. The 3800 posts in Staff Discussion and 5239 in Site Talk show me something entirely different. Even if you could come up with 5, which I really don't think you can, that's probably less than 1% of the total decisions made here. And you can't count decisions related to site code or server related items because I am directly in charge of those and nobody can help with that anyway.

Are we here to talk about Mother 3 or are we here to get into detail on how the site and the decision making process works in which I assure you I can pull enough information and evidence on to the contrary.

Perhaps if you had done more than literally 5 things in all of 2007 according to the logs and actually regularly participated in all of what is going on around here with staff in the past 2 years, you'd feel differently. Any staff that regularly participate care to comment? Kaioshin had this to say just yesterday. (Reference the mother 3 topic on the moderators board)

this is the very first time I can remember that Nightcrawler decided such a thing from the get-go without any discussions or opinion gathering from staff.

That's quite a contrast to what you're saying.

The personal attack is unnecessary. I wasn't saying I was better than you or that I even do a lot here. I admit that I slack. It wasn't an attack at you. I not going to go digging up things and taking your challenge on. I have been told personally not to release my Dragon Quest 4 DS patch here. My point was that decisions ultimately come down to you. I didn't say it was a bad thing.

Yes we were talking about Mother 3 here but the reason it came up is because we don't have any set rules on this and people think it's unfair. If you claim that you make the ultimate decisions around here then I'm fine with it.

Let's not use the straw man falicy and start bashing people here. I didn't appreciate those comments. I'm just trying to figure out your position here at RHDN.
« Reply #79 on: January 09, 2008, 01:44:40 pm »

And byuu confers that never before now have I ever made decision for this site of relevance without input and full consideration from staff at the very least. j/k I don't actually require that, but it would be nice.

My apologies if I gave the impression this sort of thing happened often.

I do not recall a single instance in the past where any other decision was made by you in opposition to majority opinion, and I've witnessed about a half-dozen such decisions in the past. Hence why I do not consider this place a dictatorship. Undoubtedly, there are many more decisions I did not participate in, and many more behind closed doors such as your moderator forum, which I cannot comment on. But I take your word for the fact that you did not override the majority opinion on any of those.

To be honest, I don't even remember the previous discussions we had where I mentioned that this was ultimately your site and that you should have the final say, but I assume those all ended in consensus. And for what it's worth, I still believe that you should ultimately decide on matters of grave importance to you. It's how I would run this site if I were in charge. And I mean, eventually you will have to draw the line again. What if, for instance, the community at large was in favor of hosting the fully-patched ROM images here? Sometimes a strong leader is needed in place of community rule.

But barring that, even one decision in opposition to community rule does invalidate an "all or nothing" approach to a democracy. You know the old saying, "You can't eat your cake, and have it, too." Philosophy is a bitch like that ;)
« Reply #80 on: January 09, 2008, 01:56:04 pm »

Quote from: Nightcrawler on January 09, 2008, 01:16:12 pm

Respond to this from Mother3.org. Is this true? What has differed between the time that was written and today.

As such, I’d like to announce that myself(jeffman), Doctor Fedora (glescoe), and sblur are teaming up with the Starmen.Net Devotion Team – reidman, Gideon of Aeon Genesis, demi of Neo Demiforce, and Tomato – for one awesome collaboration. There will be one patch in the end from this unified team.

You keep bringing this up, but I'm guessing I'm not following you. The three people mentioned there weren't the ones who started the 0-day thing.

And definitely respond to this because you wrote it.

After the announcement, harmony, being the awesome and upstanding guy he is, contacted Gideon and gave him all his hacking code with his blessing, which as you can tell from current pics, was really well-done and awesome. So we had lots of code already, sweet.

Since their team had changed drastically (for the better) in the last year, and because both teams were barely moving along, we decided to merge our groups, sans any drama-type people.

Most everything else after that you can read about in this blog. Shortly after the merge, things slowed down enough for me that I was able to zip through the script and got the first draft done. sblur, byuu, and Jeffman worked really hard getting some excellent tools and hacks completed.

Is this true? Does this still stand today? It seems quit clear based on these passages that not only did you use the work from the original team, you also imported members from the original team. Is there any misunderstanding on this? Define specifically 'drama-type people' by name please.

There were three translations? Yours, harmony's, and the original?
Who started the original?
Who's work are you using that isn't yours?
There was the 0-day mother3.org, then harmony announced his project on these forums a few months later, then much later was me/gid/demi. 0-day mother3.org was a drama bomb and most everyone they brought on was either a Japanese 101 student or a drama queen, so things never got anywhere, and as I mentioned, their original programmer also left. The three people listed above joined in at a later time (I think one possibly after seeing the ad on RHDN) and started their own project over from scratch in 2007, since the previous guys' stuff was so bad.

Drama-type people = Phone (if you look far enough back I'm sure you can find the thread he made looking for translators back then. Probably used a different name though), tshu, and their other drama-y translator, whose name escapes me at the moment.

When the merge happened, we pretty much started everything over from scratch, as they had no organization with their hacks and almost no documentation. It was pretty bad, so the easiest thing was to start from scratch.

Anyway, after the merge, all text was redumped using new tools. byuu wrote a nice 8-bit hack for the main script, so that the script could fit in the ROM. For complicated reasons (you can read the blog for details) in November, I finished an organizational tool to act as a stand-in for a GBA xkas, and then this time built all the hacks up from scratch using some really detailed notes from 2006 that harmony provided. In short, the base hacks are harmony's and byuu's, and everything else is stuff we've done in the past 2 or 3 months.

All text files in use were dumped and translated after the merge, with one exception, and that's the battle text. Right now, the current build is using an old mother3.org file as a stand-in until I translate the new dump myself. That is the one and only thing from the old 0-day guys that we're using at the moment, but obviously it's not going to be in the final version. I was planning to translate it pretty soon, actually.
« Reply #81 on: January 09, 2008, 02:31:01 pm »

So, to sum up:

You merged with the harmony team, not the 0-day mother3.org team.
No members of the mother3.org team were brought in.
All tools and hacking were done from scratch after you started.
The scripts were redumped, again from scratch, by you guys.
All text in the finished product will be from your redumps.

Did I get it all right? I think the confusion (at least, what confused me) is that the blog seemed to indicate that you merged with the mother3.org team. I blame pronouns, and convoluted scene drama.  Undecided\
« Reply #82 on: January 09, 2008, 02:38:13 pm »

No, three people from mother3.org joined up, though they were not from the original team that started the 0-day project. Then, a while later, harmony joined up, too.
« Reply #83 on: January 09, 2008, 03:49:46 pm »

Okay, I have a solution that should make everyone happy. Let's purchase the rights to Mother 3 and release a fully legal translation. Not only will that eliminate all of the drama from all sides, it will likely gain news coverage from far outside of the ROM hacking scene.

I was once in negotiation with SNK to purchase the rights to Crystalis. Not just the rights to translate/hack the game, but the full rights, to where I would be the only person in the entire universe who had the legal right to make anything related to Crystalis. (The plan was to create a sequel.) SNK was actually quite willing to sell me the rights to the game at the minimum rate of which they had set for their intellectual property. Unfortunately, that rate was $100,000. To SNK's credit, however, they acknowledged that that was an extremely high rate for such an old game, so they offered to include two other NES games, three for the price of one. Of course, there's the fact that every other game SNK made for NES sucked ass. What they hell would I have picked? Baseball Stars & Guerilla War? Athena and Iron Tank? Two of the 3 Ikari Warriors? Now, had I known that Nintendo was going to obtain the rights to Crystalis and completely ruin the Gameboy version, I might have made a serious effort towards raising the $100,000. Of course, I would have blown the whole thing on hookers and cocaine, but they say it's the thought that counts.

So, my point is, let's trick some company with a lot of money into purchasing the rights to release an English translation of Mother 3. (Incidentally, I'm sure this has already been discussed by the people actually doing the hack, but I propose that the English version be called Earthbound 3, similar to how the third Rambo movie was called Rambo III even though there is no Rambo II. This, of course, before the fourth movie was titled simply Rambo, even though that's also the name of the second Rambo movie. I hope a lot of people get fucked over in the video store when they ask for Rambo and get the 2nd one, not the 4th one. (Incidentally, in the original book, Rambo goes insane, kills a bunch of innocent people and dies at the end. They left this part out of the first movie. The author also seems to have forgotten about it, since there's a sequel to the book that takes place after it, yet Rambo is still alive.)))

Anyway, I fully support Nightcrawler's decision to ban translations of Rambo from this site.
« Reply #84 on: January 09, 2008, 03:57:50 pm »

I must say that that Rambo stuff is fascinating. Was the sequel to the book written before or after the movie was made. If it was written after then I'd say the author is/was a smart man.
« Reply #85 on: January 09, 2008, 04:02:50 pm »

I must say that InVerse's entire post made me laugh, alot.  :laugh:

However, if Tomato/Byuu's Mother3 project is in fact different from the 0day one, I say go for it. It's a highly anticipated title, and it has some of the best in our hobby working on it. As long as they're not affiliated with the ones who broke the rules originally, I think it should be fine. That's only my 2 cents, though. >.>

« Reply #86 on: January 09, 2008, 04:07:17 pm »

Quote from: Pennywise on January 09, 2008, 03:57:50 pm
I must say that that Rambo stuff is fascinating. Was the sequel to the book written before or after the movie was made. If it was written after then I'd say the author is/was a smart man.

I believe it was written afterwards, but it was definitely written in response to the second movie. I'm not sure if David Morrell wrote a third (or fourth) Rambo novel.

I do see, however, that there is a Japanese version of the Rambo NES game. I smell some research coming on as to if there are any difference.

(Opens ROM before even finishing this thread.)



It's from the title screen of the Japanese version of Rambo! My prayers have been answered! (For those of you wondering what the hell I'm talking about, I posted a thread a couple of weeks ago trying to figure out where the hell that quote came from. Now we know, and knowing is half of the battle. So what the fuck is the other half of the battle? Possibly doing, because knowing something won't win you a battle unless you actually do something with that knowledge. GO JOE!)

Hrm, a GI Joe vs Rambo game could kick far more ass than Alien vs Predator.
« Reply #87 on: January 09, 2008, 04:23:21 pm »


Thank you. I'll take that and run with it. Smiley I'm just ultimately sensitive to that kind of talk as it comes up a lot by people and I feel it is unjust accusation (probably strong word to use here, but that's all that came to mind). I pride myself in working very, very hard to balance everything done here. I work and deliberate with staff, and pass on to the community when no decision is reached there. And ultimately, not every issue has a clear consensus, or quite frankly nobody cares much either way in some cases. It is then, that I may have to act as judge to simply pick a side. But that's as burden and not as first choice.

As with anybody in a 'power' position, every action is subject to unflattering criticism. Make one unpopular one and out the window goes the other several hundred.


I apologize for the aggressiveness, but I also greatly took offense to your comments. I have invested blood, sweat, and tears for 2 years into maintaining the site to the opposite degree of what you claim. If I only faltered 5 times, I still have a 99.X% track record. Labeling me as a dictator is a personal attack to myself.

My role at ROMhacking.net is judge. Like any court system with with a jury, there's got a be a judge. That's me. They jury still makes most of the decisions, but the judge makes one once in awhile as well and maintains order. Wink
« Reply #88 on: January 09, 2008, 04:24:56 pm »

Everybody else:

By the way, in light of Tomato's most recent post, I'll allow Mother 3 onto the site. Game, set, match. End Drama.  Wink

« Reply #89 on: January 09, 2008, 04:32:11 pm »


NC gets a  :cookie:

Tomato, et al gets  :cookie: :cookie: :cookie:

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