Thread revive!
I have here these 3 16x16 Sprites that need to become "Chance" for a slot machine minigame. I'm a horrible pixel artist though

Could someone help me out with this image?
The game does a lot of palette and transformation tricks on this graphic, so I don't think I can expand it to more Sprites, which is a big problem, I know. 6 letters on 3 sprites is very little space
It's 4bpp reverse order and each sprite is 4x4 tiles. I only have the raw binary data this time, since I'm afraid importing images might mess up the palette stuff up here. (I don't know what the game does in detail with it, so I don't want to take any chances).
This is how it looks in TM:

(I know the literal translation is something along the lines of "riches")
This is the binary data: (Including the palette and a modified tmspec file so TileMolester can load it, made by Djinn)
If someone could help me out, it would be a big help for polishing DQM's last bits

Edit: Added the correct palette. Oh, and in the game those 3 sprites are displayed from left to right, btw. I knew I forget something, sorry.