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Author Topic: Reinserting files into a DVD ISO  (Read 282 times)
« on: November 26, 2007, 10:23:02 pm »

I recall having a really nice program for doing this... Basically, you could reinsert a file at a given sector address in the ISO, thereby not screwing up the file list, thereby avoiding the emulator crashing.

CDMage Beta is for CD's, but I think this one could do both... Anyone know what program I'm talking about?
« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2007, 11:21:48 pm »

You can use this. It's in Italian, but it's pretty easy to use. Click on the first "Seleziona" to choose your Iso file, then the second "Seleziona" for the file to inject. In the edit fields insert in "Offset iniziale del file binario" the starting offset of your file in the iso and in "Numero di byte da inserire" the file size in bytes for your reinsertion. Uncheck "Abilita il salto di fine settore" to write in native 2048 byte/sector format (the option was made for  Psx games, which use the sector leap for EDC/ECC and header information, which don't exist in Ps2 Dvd ISOs) and press "Patcha" to insert your file.

Done. Smiley
« Reply #2 on: November 27, 2007, 04:48:52 am »

Quote from: Darkslime on November 26, 2007, 10:23:02 pm
I recall having a really nice program for doing this... Basically, you could reinsert a file at a given sector address in the ISO, thereby not screwing up the file list, thereby avoiding the emulator crashing.

CDMage Beta is for CD's, but I think this one could do both... Anyone know what program I'm talking about?
You are talking about player98198's apache,you can go to the new official page clicking here.
About your other post,I'll pm  you later on with something that could help you to extract these files or edit them,or whatever you're going to do with them Wink
« Reply #3 on: November 27, 2007, 06:16:38 pm »

Ah, that's the one. Thanks, Saito, and Gemini too~
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